The actual number of submissions does not match the number printed before the submission.

Author: In the snow., Created: 2021-04-30 06:59:35, Updated:


2021-04-30 06:49:07 Futures_Binance error Buy ((22.7789, 0): 400: {code:-4003, msg:Quantity less than zero.} 2021-04-30 06:49:07 information buy_price: 22.7789 buy_amount: 0.5888040136226255 WAVES_USDT This is a list of all the different ways WAVES is credited in the database. 2021-04-30 06:49:07 Futures_Binance Error Sell ((22.9508, 0): 400: {code:-4003,??msg:Quantity less than zero.} 2021-04-30 06:49:07 information sell_price: 22.9508 position[0][Amount pump]: 0.8 WAVES_USDT This is a list of all the different ways WAVES is credited in the database.

Below is a log printed before the order, actually holding 0.8, but the order was 0 when the order was placed, I don't know what the situation is, it appeared several times.


The grassSo let's set the precision to 0, and let's say that int ((0.8) = 0

In the snow.This is the first time that I've seen this. The price of the product is the price at which the product is sold. Log (('sell_price:', round ((sell_price, int ((params1["arrPricePrecision"][index])), 'position[0]["Amount"]:', position[0]["Amount"), e.GetCurrency (()) is the name of the server that is used for this transaction. firstInfo=e.Sell(round(sell_price, int ((params1["arrPricePrecision"][index]))), position[0]["Amount"], e.GetCurrency (()) Params1["close_buy_order"][index]['id'] = firstInfo Params1 [ "close_buy_order"][index]['price'] = round ((sell_price, int)) Params1 [ "arrPricePrecision"][index] Params1 [ "close_buy_order"][index]['price'] = round ((sell_price, int)) Params1 [ "close_buy_order"][index]['price'] = round ((sell_price, int)) Params1 [ "close_buy_order"][index]['price'] = round ((sell_price, int)) Params1 [ "arrPricePrecision"][index])) Params1["close_buy_order"][index]['amount']=position[0]["Amount"] This is a list of all the parameters that are available for the order. So this is the tactical code.

In the snow. position=_C(e.GetPosition) sell_price=position[0]['Price']*params1["pingduo"][index] Log('sell_price:',round(sell_price,int(params1["arrPricePrecision"][index])),'position[0]["Amount"]:',position[0]["Amount"],e.GetCurrency()) firstInfo=e.Sell(round(sell_price,int(params1["arrPricePrecision"][index])) ,position[0]["Amount"],e.GetCurrency()) params1["close_buy_order"][index]['id'] = firstInfo params1["close_buy_order"][index]['price'] = round(sell_price,int(params1["arrPricePrecision"][index])) params1["close_buy_order"][index]['amount']=position[0]["Amount"]

In the snow.This is the first time that I've seen this. The price of the product is the price of the product itself. Log (('sell_price:', round ((sell_price, int ((params1["arrPricePrecision"][index])), 'position[0]["Amount"]:', position[0]["Amount"), e.GetCurrency (()) is the name of the server used to store the data. firstInfo=e.Sell(round(sell_price, int ((params1["arrPricePrecision"][index]))), position[0]["Amount"], e.GetCurrency (()) - grasshopper, sorry, this is code, directly used position [0]["Amount"] but the bottom line is 0 and I don't know where the problem is, my head hurts.

In the snow.It's printed accurately, yes, the error is sometimes not there, I'll check again check the code to see if there's a string, thank God, I'll have another problem and bother you again