How do you write a reverse equation?

Author: zhenghaibinlove, Created: 2021-05-08 11:01:48, Updated: 2021-05-08 15:32:40

How do you write it? How do you write it?

The strategy of the even-shaped gold fork dead fork, not to open or open, the gold fork is more flat open, the dead fork is more flat open, how to write?imgHow is it possible to keep adding to the stock?

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This world is my only one.He will surely be the loser.

allez-zAt the same time, compare the two k-string data before and after, the first one <0, the next one >0.

VICSo you're satisfied with 0 being greater than 0 and less than 0, and of course you're always bidding, you're going to find a point where you go from greater than 0 to less than 0, and then you're going to break even.

Written by TradeMan V:614872376