Please teach a while true loop problem, please come in.

Author: Howard0756, Created: 2021-07-24 10:10:54, Updated: 2021-07-24 10:17:45

Please teach me this question, thank you.

I've made a looping strategy for more space.

I found that every time I do more if Duo, I can loop it every time until I get Kong to be True, Duo to be False, and then I can loop it again.

But if Duo is normal. If Kong runs only once, that is, it only cycles once! If Kong runs only once, that is, it only cycles once! If Kong runs only once, that is, it only cycles once!

The specific code is something like this:

def main:

Random true false assigned to Duo or Kong

while True:

if Duo:
    条件未满足,开始多次循环 ......
    满足条件后,结束循环 if Duo,重新分配,Duo = false   Kong = True

if Kong:
    满足条件后,结束循环 if Kong,重新分配,Duo = True   Kong = false


The Little DreamIt's hard to understand what you wrote in your fake code.