The exchange.GetRecords

Author: The bride too., Created: 2021-10-23 14:14:07, Updated:

The following is from the API documentation: If the Period parameter cannot be resolved by 60 (i.e. the period represented is a cycle in units of minutes that is not available), the bottom of the system uses the corresponding interface of GetTrades to obtain the transaction log data and synthesize the required K-line data.

I'm not sure I understand:

  1. If the period is 3, then one GetTrades is enough, but if the period is 25, then it is not necessary to call GetTrades several times to get the real data.
  2. If period can't be integrated by 60, does GetRecords (()) have to be put in a round-question and getTrades constantly called in order to guarantee that the data is true?


The Little DreamA standard cycle is a non-platform-defined cycle that is synthesized with small cycles. If the exchange does not have a K-line interface, the order flow data is synthesized.

The Little DreamThe synthesis of the current root is recorded at the bottom, and then slowly accumulates. So GetTrades starts with very few bars.

The bride too.I understand what you're saying, I mean, GetTrades, get orders, also time-saving, only recently, if my period exceeds this time, how about synthesis?