Access to order information

Author: lzhqlj, Created: 2021-11-23 22:14:46, Updated:

//383375074660855808 var order = exchanges[0].GetOrder(“383375074660855808”)
Log(“Id:”, order.IdThe price of the order is the same as the price of the order. The price of the order is the same as that of the order. Order.DealAmount, Status: order.Status, Type: order.Type) is a command-line tool that is used to perform a specific task. (Laughter) var orders = exchanges[0].GetOrders ((() Log ((You have not completed the order one information, ID:, orders[0].Id, Price:, orders[0].Price, Amount:, orders[0].Amount, DealAmount: Deal, orders[0].DealAmount, type: Deal, orders[0].Type Log ((Information about order number two not completed, ID:, orders[1].Id, Price:, orders[1].Price, Amount:, orders[1].Amount, DealAmount: deal, orders[1].DealAmount, dealtype: deal, orders[1].Type is the name of a type of order.

     Id: 383375074660855808 Price: 0 Amount: 1 DealAmount: 1 Status: 1 Type: 0
     TypeError: cannot read property 'Id' of undefined at main (__FILE__:129)


lzhqljI've been trying to get a hold of you, but I'm not sure I can. buyOrderId = openLong ((-1, amount) // buy order with many positions hanging -1 represents market price buyOrderId = openLong ((-1, amount) // buy order with many positions hanging -1 represents market price var orders = exchanges[0].GetOrders ((() Log (("orders=",orders) " is used. Log (("Information about order one not completed, ID:", orders[0].Id, "Price:", orders[0].Price, "Amount:", orders[0].Amount, "DealAmount:", orders[0].DealAmount, "type:", orders[0].Type) is a type of order that is sent to the client. Log (("Information about order two not completed, ID:", orders[1].Id, "Price:", orders[1].Price, "Amount:", orders[1].Amount, "DealAmount:", orders[1]. DealAmount, "type:", orders[1]. I'm not going to tell you. The error message is as shown above. The problem code is here, there is a single "ah" in the account, and the orders in front of the id have been defined "ah". Prayers

The Little Dreamcannot read property 'Id' of undefined at main (__FILE__:129) Line 129, check policy code, the variable before the variable name Id is undefined.

The grassCheck orders first, if empty cannot be used directly