Mango, I have a question for you.

Author: shifeng2020, Created: 2021-12-07 13:58:37, Updated:

Documentation for exchange.GetRecords (): Returns an array of Record constructs, returns K-line data that accumulates over time, up to a maximum of 2000 rows, and then updates to add a K-line column at the same time as removing the earliest K-line column (if the row is listed). 1, so I use exchange.SetMaxBarLen ((2000), is it possible to directly get the data of the most recent 2000 bar corresponding cycle ((15min) at the time of initial retrieval? 2, and then use var records = exchange.GetRecords ((PERIOD_M15) var obv = TA.OBV ((records) Can we get the value of obv corresponding to these 2000 bars?

Thank you!


The Little DreamWhat's going on? exchange.SetMaxBarLen ((2000) What's going on? This is just the length of the requested data set on the FMZ, and the length of the actual final retrieval is determined by the maximum amount of data returned by the exchange interface.

The Little DreamThe first request is only 500, and the exchange interface is the key to determining the number limit.

shifeng2020If the exchange returns a maximum of 500 items, then I'm asking for 2,000 items, will this record automatically add up to 2000 (over time)? or is it only 500 each time it is acquired?