Using the exchange.Buy package, the account failed due to insufficient balance tag

Author: Neo1898, Created: 2022-01-19 21:05:36, Updated: 2022-01-19 21:27:19

It's an OK exchange, and it's set to var ret =exchange.IO("api", “GET”, “/api/v5/account/balance”, “ccy=USDT”)

Specifies ETH-USDT and sets minimum 1 contract to open openLong ((ticker.Last - 180 and 1)

I have 680 usd in my account, enough to open a handful of ETH-USDT perpetual contracts, why am I reporting this error?

If you want to place an order with usdt instead of a sheet, how should you set it?

Thank you!


Neo1898 好像调用exchange.Buy这个执行开单的,都是币本位的单,如何改成下U本位的单子呢,是要自己调用交易所的api下单吗?谢谢!

Neo1898It looks like openlong has a swap contract for the bitcoin, but I don't have ETH in my account, so I got it wrong.

The Little DreamError: Failed due to insufficient balance tag This means that there is a lack of assets.

Neo1898The feeling is that var ret = exchange. IO (("api", "GET", "/api/v5/account/balance", "ccy=USDT") uses the u-bit computing privilege; But the key below, which looks like it's the same as the one in the coin base, how does it turn into the key in the U base?

The grassBTC_USDT is usually U-bit, where U-bit is usually 1 for a coin.