How can we avoid this mistake?

Author: lzhqlj, Created: 2022-01-20 12:03:19, Updated:

022-01-20 12:00:58 Error TypeError: cannot read property length of null at stop (FILE:144) at main (FILEThis is the first time I've seen it. 2022-01-20 12:00:58 Futures_OKCoin Error Futures_OP 3: 503: {code:50001,data:[],msg:"Service temporarily unavailable, please try again later. "}

Thank you.


lzhqljSolved Thank you

lzhqljPlease. Is there a function that will execute directly from scratch when it throws an exception?

98K-band tracking _LongTeacher, I've added error tolerance, but this error still occurs frequently when I try to restart several times without success, whether it's a problem with my code or a problem with the exchange's interface.

98K-series high-end trading indicatorsI've also encountered this problem in my life.

The grassThe _C function works, but it can also be implemented on its own.