exchange.Buy ((Price, Amount) did not return ID

Author: uucc123, Created: 2022-05-06 14:35:59, Updated:

ID=exchange.Buy ((Price, Amount) is the name of the The ID that you want to get returned is NULL because of network delays or other reasons, and the next code can't continue to execute. If we use the _C function, will it result in a continuous repeat payment? How do you deal with it until it returns the ID and continues to execute backwards?


The grassDon't try again, it may result in a repeat order. If the id doesn't return, read the account, check the outstanding order, and then decide whether to order again.

The Little Dream 您好,可以使用GetOrders函数查询未成交的订单,如果订单已经成交,可以使用exchange.IO函数查询交易所的订单成交记录,最近一个成交的应该就是。