The Mayan language strategy is to use OK exchange to make mistakes.

Author: Ally, Created: 2022-10-04 18:36:06, Updated:


AllyThe real disk restart policy also suggests that the environment is not compatible after switching the analog disk plug-in using the terminal run.

AllyThis is the error Futures_OKCoin GetAccount: 401: ["msg:"APIKey does not match current environment.", "code:"50101"]

The Little Dream%% // You can call any API quantified by the inventor. scope.INIT = function (()) { var ret = exchange.IO (("simulate", true) Log ((ret)) I'm not going anywhere. %% The INIT; I'm not sure. This works, but it cannot be switched, because it will always be stuck in the logic of starting to access the account assets (since no switching, so access is to the disk environment, so you cannot go through this logic). This is temporarily not possible, as the Mac language cannot use OKX's simulated environment for the time being.

The Little DreamThe transaction terminal has nothing to do with the physical disk. The Mac language cannot run as an OKX analog drive for a while, because it cannot execute the analog drive code, it cannot try to embed JS, it will start detecting account information all the time, this step does not pass, it cannot execute the analog drive switch. Using the real disk API KEY is not a problem, as the Mac language cannot temporarily switch to the OKX analog disk environment.

AllyRun it once, initiate (); prompt this section is incorrect, remove (); run it, and still report a 401 error, or not

The Little DreamI'm going to try it.

Ally/upload/asset/1dcd39bb48ba1d4895240.jpg Now type in two percent It turns green and becomes a comment.

The Little DreamHello, this error is usually when you use the API KEY of the analog disk, but do not switch to the analog disk on the physical disk. Or you use the API KEY of the physical disk, but the physical disk environment switches to the analog disk. What's up? %% // You can call any API quantified by the inventor. scope.INIT = function (()) { exchange.IO (("simulate", true) I'm not going anywhere. %% INIT (((); What's up? I'm not sure if I can do it.