Please instruct me, when the stop loss value of the design draw line is greater than the deviation value, the three yuan calculation draw line should be changed but it does not work, I don't know where the problem comes from?

Author: hope, Created: 2022-10-29 13:54:10, Updated: 2022-11-03 18:18:07

Please instruct me, when the stop loss value of the design draw line is greater than the deviation value, the three yuan calculation draw line should be changed but it does not work, I don't know where the problem comes from?

indicator("根据历史区间最高价、最低价、+偏移率,计算止损价、止盈价", overlay=true)

var IshistoryLength =, title = "Ishistory Length", minval=1, maxval=100, step=1)    
var StopLossOffset = input.float(0.005, title = "Stop Loss Offset", minval=0.001, step=0.001)    
var ProfitLossRatio = input.float(2, title = "Profit Loss Ratio", minval=0.1, step=0.1)          
var float highest = na                                                                           
var float lowest = na                                                                            
var float StopLossLong = na                                                                      
var float StopLossShort = na                                                                     
var float StopProfitLong = na                                                                    
var float StopProfitShort = na                                                                   

highest := ta.highest(high[1], IshistoryLength)                                                  

lowest  := ta.lowest(low[1], IshistoryLength)                                                    

StopLossLong := math.round(((open - lowest) / open) <= StopLossOffset ? (1 - StopLossOffset) * lowest : lowest, precision = 6)        
plot(StopLossLong, title = "开多止损价:", color = color.purple)                               

StopProfitLong := math.round((1 + (StopLossOffset * ProfitLossRatio)) * highest, precision = 6)  
plot(StopProfitLong, title = "开多止盈价:", color =                              

StopLossShort := math.round(((open - highest) / open) <= StopLossOffset ? (1 + StopLossOffset) * highest : highest, precision = 6)    
plot(StopLossShort, title = "开空止损价:", color =                                 

StopProfitShort := math.round((1 - (StopLossOffset * ProfitLossRatio)) * lowest, precision = 6)  
plot(StopProfitShort, title = "开空止盈价:", color =                                


hopeGood, thank you very much.

The Little DreamStopLossShort := math.round ((((highest - open) / open) <= StopLossOffset? (1 + StopLossOffset) * highest : highest, precision = 6) // stop loss blank list, re-assign, calculate the stop loss price; The algorithms for doing nothing and doing more, be careful! are different.