How to update the host?

Author: [Translated from Chinese], Created: 2022-12-06 14:39:28, Updated:

Binance has recently updated its API, how to update it?


The Little DreamHello, is your host deploying the deployment feature with a single key, or is it being deployed manually? 1, If a key is deployed only on the host management page:, click the "Redeploy" button. 2• If it is manually deployed, you need to log in to the device and re-download an updated host to get it up and running.

The Little DreamIf you don't want to affect the previous disk, you can uninstall the previous host, re-download and deploy the new directory, and then move to the new host when your previous disk stops or restarts.

[Translated from Chinese]The second is to re-download a host, if the original host is no longer needed, is the current hard drive still there?