What is the reason why the retest progress has been stuck at 99% still?

Author: Sadhu is down there., Created: 2022-12-16 18:01:48, Updated: 2022-12-18 11:38:43

Is it because I used while True?


Inventors quantifiedYou can't see the diagram, so paste the code to replicate it.

Sadhu is down there.The python retrieval card is dead! If you can't write the Sleep function in the try anomaly detection, the graph will be stuck.

Sadhu is down there.Hi, thanks for replying, the problem has been found, because it was written try except, and it has Sleep in it.

The Little DreamIs this the spelling described in this post? https://www.fmz.com/bbs-topic/1427 /upload/asset/16af03a32056cf82dff0.png This is a list of all the different ways Upload/asset/16af03a32056cf82dff0.png is credited in the database. Also, is there no function call in the main loop in the code?