The _N function is always wrong.

Author: bamsmen, Created: 2023-02-04 12:13:48, Updated: 2023-02-04 13:37:30

not a function at _N (FILEThis error always returns when controlling the order accuracy of certain trading pairs.

For example: Let the target = 9.77E-4 let pre = 6 Log (( target=,target, pre=,precision, _N:,_N(target, precision))

It seems that this problem occurs when a relatively large number of small-digit pairs of transactions are encountered, and that the _N function can only be encountered if it is _N ((0.02, 2) so that it fails to _N ((0.023, 2)

Please ask the administrator if the_N function should be improved? or paste the source code out, various unknown errors.


bamsmenI'm sorry, I was bugged, I didn't debug carefully, the error should have been a non-numeric variable passed to the _N function, I'll report this error.

The Little Dream/upload/asset/16f7b7862623e4123e84.png This is a list of all the different ways Upload/asset/16f7b7862623e4123e84.png is credited in the database. Hello, this is not an error message. What's up? function main (()) { Let the target = 9.77E-4 let pre = 6 Log ((' target=', target,' pre=', pre,' _N:', _N(target, pre)) is a log that is used to store data. What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere. What's up?