What is the reason for the host being offline?

Author: lzhqlj, Created: 2023-03-02 20:34:27, Updated:

Google Cloud for lease, deployed as directed, with servers in the list of hosts The SSH interface is not shut down. What is the reason? Operating system linux/amd64 Tagged fmz-1 The real disk is zero. Protocol not known node.fmz.com:9902v3.6 State of play Offline Location United States The Oregon Dales


lzhqlj6. The host running at this time is on the front desk, the SSH connection is disconnected upon shutdown, and needs to run in the background, pressing ctrl + C to end the test just done. 7. Run the nohup command in the background. /robot -s node.fmz.com/xxxxxx -p yourFMZpassword & is executed as follows

The Little DreamHello, some software can be used to run the hosts in the background, for example with screen. Currently, the hosts also support direct run, and disconnecting the SSH login will not stop. You check to see if the server has been restarted, if the hosted robot program has been killed by the operating system. Deploying a good host can close the command line directly, but not ctrl + c. You can see this video: The inventor of the quantum exchange platform using teaching the pump https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eZ4y1c73v/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=6d50644dfea931bd7ed1a5f008f9a522