Trend Factor 8: Revenue growth of 300%+ and seeking financial cooperation

Author: This is a list of all the different ways Killima Capital is credited in the database.

The strategy is presentedSelf-researched price factors, based on the value of the factor to open a placement, mainly relying on the trend to get a profit, do not make money in a turbulent market. Since digital currencies are highly volatile and highly trendy, trend strategies have the potential to yield extremely high returns. 18 years to date, 300% + maximum withdrawal of no more than 20%

Video presentation

Historical signals and ordersTencent documents the trend8_value documentation for trend8_order

How to contactAdded VX:btc1178 note fmz

wangapwWhat kind of trading software is this?

hart0345Video has a single stop loss instead of a profit of 4%???

Written by TradeManThe cheater, who copied the open source on his TV, didn't even play to understand the cheater.