Testing - about the currency that might be spiked using kdj and volume filtering

Author: xxs1xxs1, Date: 2021-09-02 11:19:06

start: 2021-05-1 00:00:00
end: 2021-05-28 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
args: [["OpType",1]]

exchange.SetContractType("swap") //合约设置
// exchange.SetCurrency("TRX_USDT");
//    exchange.SetMarginLevel(20) //合约倍数设置 

//exchange.IO("currency", "STPT_USDT")
var account = _C(exchange.GetAccount) //帐户信息
var log_profit = 0
var log_profit_intervel = 1000 * 60 * 5
var symbol_list = [] //"1.5倍vol,kdj与ma多头"                //index位置详解 0=>交易对  1=>价格精度 2=>量精度 3=>注释 4=>订单ID 5=>当前币种最大亏损 6=>.....            苦于数组严谨性。除了前面固定数据有用后面发生意外不影响????
var symbol_list1 = [] //"3倍vol,当前涨幅4%或者vol5倍"
var symbol_list2 = [] //"三连涨"
var order_list = []
var num = 0 //记录补仓数量
var loss = 0.6
var loss_m = 0

if (_G("symbol")) {
    symbol_list = _G("symbol")
    order_list = _G("orderlist")
    Log("上一次数据", symbol_list)
    Log("上一次数据完成数据", order_list)

// 撤单函数
function CancelPendingOrders() {
    Sleep(1000); // 休眠 1秒
    var ret = false;
    while (true) {
        var orders = null;
        // 持续获取未成交订单数组,如果返回异常,则继续获取
        while (!(orders = exchange.GetOrders())) {
            Sleep(1000); // 休眠 1秒
        if (orders.length == 0) { // 如果订单数组为空
            return ret; // 返回撤单状态
        for (var j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) { // 遍历未成交订单数组
            exchange.CancelOrder(orders[j].Id, orders[j]); // 依次取消未成交订单
            ret = true;
            if (j < (orders.length - 1)) {
                Sleep(1000); // 休眠 1秒

function symbols() {

    log_profit_intervel = 1000 * 60 * 5

    if (Date.now() - log_profit > log_profit_intervel && !IsVirtual()) { //全部交易对 
        log_profit = Date.now()
        var symbol = JSON.parse(HttpQuery("https://www.binance.com/fapi/v1/exchangeInfo"))
        let symbol_all = []
        symbol.symbols.forEach(function(v, k, arr) {
            if (v.quoteAsset == "USDT" && v.contractType == "PERPETUAL") {
                let str = v.symbol.split("USDT", 1)
                str = str + "_USDT"
                symbol_all.push([str, v.pricePrecision, v.quantityPrecision])

        // exchange.SetCurrency("TRX_USDT");                        //交易对设置
        //exchange.SetPrecision(priceScale, amountScale)            //精度设置

        for (let i = 0; i < symbol_all.length; i++) {

            if (symbol_list.length > 0) {

                let flag = false
                symbol_list.forEach(function(v, k, arr) {
                    //   Log(v[0],symbol_all[i][0])
                    if (v[0] == symbol_all[i][0]) {
                        flag = true;
                if (flag) {

            //  exchange.SetCurrency("DOGE_USDT")
            exchange.SetPrecision(symbol_all[i][1], symbol_all[i][2])

            let records = exchange.GetRecords(60 * 60 * 1)
            let kdj = TA.KDJ(records, 9, 3, 3)
            let ma7 = TA.EMA(records, 7)
            let ma25 = TA.EMA(records, 25)

            //      let records1 = exchange.GetRecords(60 * 15)
            //      let kdj1 = TA.KDJ(records1, 9, 3, 3)

            let len = records.length - 1
            let rs = records[len]
            let rs1 = records[len - 1] //上一条数据 
            //      if ((rs.Close > rs.Open && rs.Volume > rs1.Volume * 1.5 && rs.Close / rs.Open > 1.04) || (rs.Close > rs.Open && rs.Volume > rs1.Volume * 2)) 
            //     if (rs.Close > rs.Open && _Cross(kdj[0], kdj[1]) > 0 && _Cross(kdj[0], kdj[1]) < 3 && rs.Close / rs.Low < 1.03 && _Cross(kdj1[0], kdj1[1]) > 0 && _Cross(kdj1[0], kdj1[1]) < 3) 

            if (rs.Close > rs.Open && rs.Volume > rs1.Volume * 1.5 && _Cross(kdj[0], kdj[1]) > 0 && _Cross(ma7, ma25) > 0) {

                symbol_list.push([symbol_all[i][0], symbol_all[i][1], symbol_all[i][2], "多要求",0,0]) //加入数据保存

            if ((rs.Close > rs.Open && rs.Volume > rs.Volume * 1.5 && rs.Close / rs.Open > 1.02) || (rs.Close > rs.Open && rs.Volume > rs1.Volume * 2)) {
                symbol_list1.push([symbol_all[i][0], symbol_all[i][1], symbol_all[i][2]]) //加入数据保存
            if (records[len - 2].Close > records[len - 2].Open && records[len - 1].Close > records[len - 1].Open && records[len].Close > records[len].Open) {
                symbol_list.push([symbol_all[i][0], symbol_all[i][1], symbol_all[i][2], "三连涨",0,0]) //加入数据保存

        Log("一般要求", symbol_list)
        Log("可能大涨", symbol_list1)
        //      Log("三连涨", symbol_list2)


function main() {

    var increase = [] //加仓设置
    if (IsVirtual()) { //模拟盘需要,实盘自动忽略
        symbol_list.push([exchange.GetCurrency(), priceScale, amountScale])

    while (1) {
        //       Log("开始", symbol_list)

        if (symbol_list.length > 0 && 1 == 1) {

            for (let i = 0; i < symbol_list.length; i++) {

                if (symbol_list[i][0] == "ADA_USDT" || symbol_list[i][0] == "BTCDOM_USDT") { //设置不想做的交易对
                if (!IsVirtual()) {
                    exchange.SetCurrency(symbol_list[i][0]); //交易对设置
                exchange.SetPrecision(symbol_list[i][1], symbol_list[i][2]) //精度设置

                exchange.SetMarginLevel(MarginLevel) //合约倍数

                let records = exchange.GetRecords(60 * 60 * 1)
                let kdj = TA.KDJ(records, 9, 3, 3)
                let account = exchange.GetAccount()
                let position = _C(exchange.GetPosition) //持仓信息
                let Amount = position[0] ? position[0].Amount : 0
                let ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker); // 获取 Tick 数据

            let ma7 = TA.EMA(records, 7)
            let ma25 = TA.EMA(records, 25)

                let money = bet * MarginLevel //买入数量为 2U的商品                

                if (_N(money / ticker.Sell, symbol_list[i][2]) == 0) {

                let orderid //下单后第一时间得到订单ID
                let pos //临时获取持仓信息
                //   Log(symbol_list[i])
                if (typeof(symbol_list[i][4]) != "undefined" && symbol_list[i][4] > 0 ) {
                    let exid = exchange.GetOrder(symbol_list[i][4])
                    if (exid && exid.Status) {

                        let id = symbol_list.splice(i, 1) //清除数据防止二次买入
                        id[0].push("盈利", "技术有限")
                    CancelPendingOrders() //清理无效定单
                        if (IsVirtual()) { //模拟盘需要,实盘自动忽略
                            symbol_list.push([exchange.GetCurrency(), priceScale, amountScale])



                if (!position[0] && _Cross(kdj[0], kdj[1]) > 0 && _Cross(ma7,ma25)>0) { //新开仓 _Cross(kdj[0], kdj[1]) < 4 &&
                    CancelPendingOrders() //清理无效定单
                    exchange.Buy(-1, money / ticker.Sell, symbol_list[i], "开仓价:", ticker.Last, "#ccff00")

                    CancelPendingOrders() //清理无效定单
                    pos = exchange.GetPosition()
                    orderid = exchange.Sell(_N(pos[0].Price * 1.01,symbol_list[i][1]), pos[0].Amount, "预挂单111111111111111111", "持仓数量:", pos[0].Amount, "| 浮动亏盈:", pos[0].Profit, "| Margin:", pos[0].Margin, "| 现有资金:", account.Balance, "| 持仓均价:", pos[0].Price, "-------|", loss_m, symbol_list[i], "#0000ff")

            if(orderid){symbol_list[i][4] = orderid}

                } else if (position[0] && position[0].Profit > position[0].Margin * 0.2) { //盈利20%就清仓 实际就是1%的涨幅 此处为20倍

                    num = 0
                    loss = 0.6
                    exchange.Sell(-1, position[0].Amount, "盈利", position[0].Profit, symbol_list[i], ticker.Last)

                    CancelPendingOrders() //清理无效定单

                    if (!IsVirtual()) { //实盘需要

                        let id = symbol_list.splice(i, 1) //清除数据防止二次买入
                        id[0].push("盈利", position[0].Profit)

                } else if (position[0] && position[0].Margin / bet < 2.5 && position[0].Profit * -1 > position[0].Margin * 0.2) { //跌1%补一次

                    let nn = 0.2 //指数
                    if (position[0].Profit * -1 / position[0].Margin > 0.4) {
                        nn = position[0].Profit * -1 / position[0].Margin
                        Log(nn, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")

                    if (_N(position[0].Amount * nn, symbol_list[i][2]) == 0) {

                    exchange.Buy(-1, position[0].Amount * nn, "补仓", ticker.Last, symbol_list[i], "持仓数量:", position[0].Amount, "| 浮动亏盈:", position[0].Profit, "| Margin:", position[0].Margin, "| 现有资金:", account.Balance, "| 持仓均价:", position[0].Price, "-------|", loss_m, symbol_list[i], "#0000ff")


                    CancelPendingOrders() //清理无效定单
                    pos = exchange.GetPosition()
                    orderid = exchange.Sell(_N(pos[0].Price * 1.01,symbol_list[i][1]), pos[0].Amount, "预挂单", "持仓数量:", pos[0].Amount, "| 浮动亏盈:", pos[0].Profit, "| Margin:", pos[0].Margin, "| 现有资金:", account.Balance, "| 持仓均价:", pos[0].Price, "-------|", loss_m, symbol_list[i], "#0000ff")

            if(orderid){symbol_list[i][4] = orderid}

                } else if (position[0] && position[0].Margin / bet >= 2.5 && position[0].Profit * -1 > position[0].Margin * 2) { //本金亏完在补一次

                    exchange.Buy(-1, position[0].Amount * 2, "补仓", ticker.Last, symbol_list[i], "持仓数量:", position[0].Amount, "| 浮动亏盈:", position[0].Profit, "| Margin:", position[0].Margin, "| 现有资金:", account.Balance, "| 持仓均价:", position[0].Price, "-------|", loss_m, symbol_list[i], "#0000ff")


                    CancelPendingOrders() //清理无效定单
                    pos = exchange.GetPosition()
                    orderid = exchange.Sell(_N(pos[0].Price * 1.01,symbol_list[i][1]), pos[0].Amount, "预挂单", "持仓数量:", pos[0].Amount, "| 浮动亏盈:", pos[0].Profit, "| Margin:", pos[0].Margin, "| 现有资金:", account.Balance, "| 持仓均价:", pos[0].Price, "-------|", loss_m, symbol_list[i], "#0000ff")

            if(orderid){symbol_list[i][4] = orderid}


                if (pos && pos[0] && 1==0) {
                    //      Log(pos[0])   

                    exchange.Buy(_N(pos[0].Price * 0.9,symbol_list[i][1]), pos[0].Amount * 2, "10%预购", "当前价格", ticker.Last, "持仓数量:", pos[0].Amount, "| 浮动亏盈:", pos[0].Profit, "| Margin:", pos[0].Margin, "| 现有资金:", account.Balance, "| 持仓均价:", pos[0].Price, "-------|", loss_m, symbol_list[i], "#ff0000")


                if (position[0]) loss_m = position[0].Profit < loss_m ? position[0].Profit : loss_m
                    symbol_list[i][5] = loss_m

        // Log("已经清算的数据",order_list)
        //     Log("结束", symbol_list)
        _G("orderlist", order_list)
        _G("symbol", symbol_list)
        Sleep(1000 * 1)

        //      Log("辛辛苦苦过一轮")

        let cmd = GetCommand()
        if (cmd) {
            let arr = cmd.split(":")
            if (arr[0] == "要做空") {
                dan = 100
            } else if (arr[0] == "检查symbol_list") {
                Log("没数据就是没有符合条件的", symbol_list)
            } else if (arr[0] == "已经清算的数据") {

                Log("已经清算的数据", order_list)

            } else if (arr[0] == "清除持久数据数据") {

                _G("symbol", null)
                _G("orderlist", null)





sxj3388How to solve the problem of over-visiting?

sxj3388Easy to stop automatically

sxj3388How do you control the total position at twice the capital?

The Beggarcannot read property 'Price' of undefined at main 226 lines

The BeggarThere's a problem with this stockpile.

xxs1xxs1This is not finished. There are many things I don't understand. I don't know how to get all the current market conditions. I don't know how to manage all the positions.

Small whiteHi, is this setting invalid for accuracy?

xxs1xxs1In fact, it's a Martin, but it's a position control to make sure that you don't die on the way to replenish.

xxs1xxs1Hello? The codes are all here.

The BeggarHello, how can I contact you?

xxs1xxs1This is the first time I've seen this video. The brother wrote a one-time read that was held in storage. To check whether a single stock needs to be replenished or liquidated based on the result of the holding This reduces unnecessary consultations

xxs1xxs1Is there a reason? It could be that it's more than the maximum number of visits per minute; that's 2,400 visits per minute.

AtomeFriends, can you add your contact information?

xxs1xxs1Add if verification ─ i.e. verification of whether a position exists ─ this back-up is to prevent too many trading pairs from existing at the same time, so as not to rush back in.

xxs1xxs1This one you're modifying. ‒ Do all the transactions together. ‒ The effect is more obvious. If you can make a comparison of all the pairs; if you find that most of them are falling; you can consider a larger leverage step; for example, you can make up 20% of the start directly. One of the things that has been changed before is mainly the position control of this block.

Small whiteThanks for the explanation, great strategy!

xxs1xxs1The test is effective. If you are testing on a hard disk. No precision setting required, provided by the platform