OKEX V5 WS interface account holding push example

Author: The Little Dream, Date: 2021-09-02 17:46:59

OKEX V5 WS interface account holding push example

OKEX V5 WS Interface Private Interface use case, policy parametersaccessKeysecretKeypassphrase❖ In whichpassphraseThe password is the secret key that is entered when the APIKEY is created on the exchange website. The policy example is to log in first and verify, then subscribe to all the holdings information.

function getLogin(pAccessKey, pSecretKey, pPassphrase) {
    // 签名函数,用于登录
    var ts = (new Date().getTime() / 1000) + ""
    var login = {
        "op": "login",
            "apiKey"    : pAccessKey,
            "passphrase" : pPassphrase,
            "timestamp" : ts,
            "sign" : exchange.HMAC("sha256", "base64", ts + "GET" + "/users/self/verify", pSecretKey)
    return login

var client_private = null 
function main() {
    // 因为read函数使用了超时设置,过滤超时的报错,否则会有冗余错误输出
    // 持仓频道订阅信息
    var posSubscribe = {
        "op": "subscribe",
        "args": [{
            "channel": "positions",
            "instType": "ANY"

    var payload = JSON.stringify(getLogin(accessKey, secretKey, passphrase))
    client_private = Dial("wss://ws.okex.com:8443/ws/v5/private|reconnect=true&payload=" + payload)
    Sleep(3000)  // 登录时,不能立即订阅私有频道,需要等待服务器反应
    if (client_private) {        
        var lastPingTS = new Date().getTime()
        while (true) {
            var buf = client_private.read(2000)
            if (buf) {
            // 发送心跳包
            var nowPingTS = new Date().getTime()
            if (nowPingTS - lastPingTS > 10 * 1000) {
                lastPingTS = nowPingTS

function onexit() {    
    var ret = client_private.close()
    Log("关闭连接!", ret)
