Bitcoin over-trading reminds about the price range of the coin

Author: Light clouds, Date: 2022-01-23 17:01:40

Since the IOS version of Aicoin is not a member, it can't be used, and there are no price reminders, so I'm working on it myself.

But I don't know how to code, so I copy and paste the code with my imagination. English is not good, the spelling I use is upper limit, the rest of my English is copycat. Thank you Dreama [clench fist][shake hands]!!!

Do you know of any other app that can remind you of the price like Aicoin? Please tell your little brother, thank you.

This is the default for contract trading and supports USDT BUSD. Set the upper lower limit and the latest price above or below the upper limit will send a notification. If you need cash, you can remove the tick in the parameter of the currency contract trading tick. Then add the exchange to select cash. I need to push the FMZ binding, I'm the bound QQ mailbox, then the QQ mailbox sets a special prompt, while binding the WeChat, there will be two reminders.

var arrSymbols = symbols.split(",")
var arrshangxian = B_shangxian.split(",")
var arrxiaxian = B_xiaxian.split(",")
var shang = parseFloat(arrshangxian[i])
var xia = parseFloat(arrxiaxian[i])

function main() {
    if (B_chongzhi) {
        Log("重置所有数据", "#FF0000")
    while (true) {
        for (var i = 0; i < arrSymbols.length; i++) {
            var symbol = arrSymbols[i]
            if (B_heyue == true) {
            var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker).Last
            Log("交易对:", symbol, "最新价:", ticker)
            if (ticker > shang || ticker < xia) {
                Log(symbol, "价格跳出区间,当前最新价格:", ticker, "#FF0000", "@")
            Sleep(B_sleeptime * 1000)
        Sleep(5 * 1000)

