Keltner saluran menembusi stop loss plus keuntungan 10% iaitu jangka panjang memegang strategi-v2.3-dev-multi-siklus

Penulis:Nanpian, Tarikh: 2021-09-02 11:42:41

Satu lagi strategi adalah membeli BTC secara tunai, yang pada asalnya adalah wang tunai sebanyak 1000 USD. Setiap jam, lihat sama ada saluran Keltner telah ditembusi, jika telah ditembusi, lakukan lebih banyak. Strategi pelancaran: 1. jika kerugian 6%, langsung hentikan; 2. Jika harga matawang rendah di bawah garis purata, jual terus. 3. Jika keuntungan 10%, sebagai pelindung, langsung lakukan lebih banyak, jika mengalami penurunan 10 peratus berturut-turut dalam 24 jam yang lalu, menunjukkan kejadian mengejut, segera hentikan kerugian.

Saya sendiri telah menggunakan taktik ini di atas piringan sebenar, dan hasilnya adalah baik. Sebenarnya, hakikatnya adalah kehilangan sedikit, lebih banyak.

start: 2020-01-01 00:00:00
end: 2020-04-24 00:00:00
period: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"huobi","currency":"BTC_USDT","stocks":0,"meta":{"AccessKey":"7yngd7gh5g-a7ed9b1a-c05064c3-bab33","SecretKey":"553c2cd1-e229e1d2-25a536cb-db7d3"}}]

import talib as ta
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import math
import sys

eid = -1
last_price = -1

def main():
    global eid
    global last_price
    global ma

    while True:

        records = exchange.GetRecords(1*60*60)
        e = exchange
        kline1 = pd.DataFrame(records)
        kline1['Time'] = kline1['Time'].map(lambda x: datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x/1000)+timedelta(hours=8))
        kline1.columns = ['time','open','high','low','close','volume','oi']
        r = kline1
        #Log('最新k线时间',r.iloc[-1].time, ' 最新价格收盘价', r.iloc[-1].close)
        leadLine1 = ta.EMA(r.close, 30)
        leadLine2 = ta.SMA(r.close, 30)
        UT=leadLine2 < leadLine1
        DT=leadLine2 > leadLine1
        # keltner channel
        ma  = ta.EMA(kline1.close, 80)
        # 真实的范围函数
        range1 = ta.TRANGE(kline1.high, kline1.low, kline1.close)
        rangema = ta.EMA(range1, 80)
        upper = ma + 3*rangema
        lower = ma - 3*rangema
        # minus and plus of adx/dmi
        minus = ta.MINUS_DI(kline1.high,kline1.low, kline1.close,14) 
        plus = ta.PLUS_DI(kline1.high, kline1.low, kline1.close ,14)
        volume0 = r.iloc[-1].volume
        volume1 = r.iloc[-2].volume
        rn = r.iloc[-1]
        entry_long = rn.close > upper.iloc[-1] and (r.iloc[-1].volume+ r.iloc[-2].volume) >1.5 *(r.iloc[-4].volume+ r.iloc[-5].volume)
        long = entry_long
        exit_long = (rn.close < ma.iloc[-1] )
        account = exchange.GetAccount()
        amount = account.Stocks
        #Log('Balance is ', account['Balance'], ' Btc amount is ', amount)
        # 如果处于空仓状态
        if (account['Balance'] >= 600 and amount < 0.001):
            if long==True and account['Balance'] < 400 and amount<0.01:
                Log('balance is ', account['Balance'], ' 余额不足400,退出!')
            elif long== True  and account['Balance'] >= 600: #第一次开多仓
                Log('balance is ', account['Balance'])
                Log('多仓位时间: ', rn.time, ' open is ', , ' close is ', rn.close, ' upper is ', upper.iloc[-1], ' volume 0\1 is', volume0 , 'volume 1 is ', volume1 , 
                ' plus is ',plus.iloc[-1], ' minus is ', minus.iloc[-1], '@')
                last_price = rn.close + 10
        # 如果处于持仓状态
        if  amount>0.001 :
            if  amount > 0.0001 and rn.close <= last_price*0.94: 
                Log('止损平仓事件: ','balance is ', account['Balance'], rn.time, ' rn.close is ', rn.close, ' @')
                id = exchange.Sell(-1, amount);
                account = exchange.GetAccount()
                amount = account.Stocks
                Log('Balance is ', account['Balance'], ' Btc amount is ', amount)
                eid = -1
            elif  amount > 0.0001 and rn.close >= last_price * 1.1 and rn.close <= r.iloc[-24].close*0.9:
                Log('持仓周期内的大跌止损平仓事件: ', rn.time, ' rn.close is ', rn.close, ' @')
                id = exchange.Sell(-1, amount);
                eid = -1
                account = exchange.GetAccount()
                amount = account.Stocks
                Log('Balance is ', account['Balance'], ' Btc amount is ', amount)
            elif amount > 0.0001 and exit_long == True :
                if rn.close <= last_price:
                    Log('位置下滑平仓位事件,亏损:  amount is ',amount ,' time is ', rn.time, ' 价格是:',rn.close,' ma is ', ma.iloc[-1], ' 开仓价格',last_price,' 亏损幅度:',100*(last_price -rn.close)/last_price ,'% @')
                    eid = exchange.Sell(-1, amount)
#                print(r.tail(10))
#                print('ma is ' ,ma)
                    account = exchange.GetAccount()
                    amount = account.Stocks
                    Log('Balance is ', account['Balance'], ' Btc amount is ', amount)
                elif rn.close > last_price*1.1 :
                    account = exchange.GetAccount()
                    amount = account.Stocks
                    Log('Balance is ', account['Balance'], ' Btc amount is ', amount)
                elif rn.close > last_price  and rn.close <=last_price*1.1:
                    eid = exchange.Sell(-1, amount);
                    account = exchange.GetAccount()
                    amount = account.Stocks
                    Log('Balance is ', account['Balance'], ' Btc amount is ', amount)
                    Log('位置下滑平仓位事件,赚钱啦: amount is ',amount, ' time is ', rn.time, ' 价格是: ',rn.close,' ma is ', ma.iloc[-1],' 开仓价格',last_price,' 盈利幅度:',100*(rn.close-last_price )/last_price ,'% @' )
                    id = exchange.Sell(-1, amount);
                    Log('最终位置下滑平仓位事件,赚钱啦: amount is ',amount, ' time is ', rn.time, ' 价格是: ',rn.close,' ma is ', ma.iloc[-1],' 开仓价格',last_price,' 盈利幅度:',100*(rn.close-last_price )/last_price ,'% @' )
                    eid = -1
                    account = exchange.GetAccount()
                    amount = account.Stocks
                    Log('Balance is ', account['Balance'], ' Btc amount is ', amount)

Lebih lanjut

ChaoZhangJangan tulis kunci dalam strategi.

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