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Feature request : please add support for JavaScript like console for ᴀᴘɪ access

Author: ytrezq, Created: 2017-10-15 21:12:17, Updated: 2019-07-31 18:13:35

As you know, Poloniex has currently a problem at processing large deposit or large withdrawals and replying to their customer support in general (especially for account unlocking support request or 2ꜰᴀ disable because of stolen devices). Which is the unofficial reason for the removing of the trollbox feature on their site…

https://twitter.com/monkeyman62/status/918230577786097664 https://twitter.com/Piradoxlanieve/status/891960998697070592 Should FMZ remove support for Poloniex completely in order to avoid FMZ users creating robots which can stop working anytime *(this is through FMZ I discovered poloniex and did me thought the wrongfull assumption that Poloniex was a trustfull exchange)* ? https://twitter.com/petermarshalld/status/888017843932942336

I think not, *at least not completely* : how to get your coins off when you can’t login and your assets continue to loose value because you can’t react to market price ? Well, in my case, I previously set up access keys on FMZ with withdrawal permissions.

So please support something for doing one time maintance and debugging commands… Something which can’t be automated, and doesn’t needs to create a robot and a strategy…


Zero According from our user's experience, Poloniex often has ticked delay problem, maybe they discarded a lot of ticket which not processed in time, I recommend you concat them via skype, or submit a new ticket

ytrezq @Zero : I thought he stopped Skype support last june.

Zero https://dn-filebox.qbox.me/d60aa701b6c258e68967299b65deebabb8031234.png

ytrezq @Zero : What ? they are reachable through skype ?Where I can contact them ? What’s their ɪᴅ ? *(meanwhile clamcoin lost 65% of it’s value)* Otherwise, this request isn’t about Poloniex but about getting a console for all exchanges. I’m thinking about something like a JavaScript console you can find in most web browsers debugging tools…