FMZ PINE Script Doc

Author: 小小梦, Created: 2022-04-28 16:05:05, Updated: 2024-02-27 16:56:23

is barmerge.gaps_off.

  • lookahead (barmerge_lookahead) Merge strategy for the requested data position. Possible values: barmerge.lookahead_on, barmerge.lookahead_off. Default value is barmerge.lookahead_off starting from version 3. Note that behavour is the same on real-time, and differs only on history.
  • ignore_invalid_symbol (const bool) An optional argument. Determines the behavior of the function if the specified symbol is not found: if false, the script will halt and return a runtime error; if true, the function will return na and execution will continue. The default value is false.
  • currency (simple string) Currency into which the symbol’s currency-related values (e.g. OHLC) are to be converted. The expression is then calculated based on the converted values. The conversion rates used are based on the FX_IDC pairs’ daily rates of the previous day (relative to the bar where the calculation is done). Optional. The default is syminfo.currency. Possible values: a three-letter string with the currency code in the ISO 4217 format (e.g. “USD”) or one of the constants in the currency.* namespace, e.g. currency.USD.

Remarks PineScript code that uses this function could calculate differently on history and real-time data. If you want to specify additional arguments for the requested symbol, e.g. session or adjustment type, you can use the function. It is not possible to pass a spread to this function using the ‘ticker’ variable. You can use the ‘’ variable or a string representation of the ticker, e.g. “AAPL+MSFT*TSLA”. At the moment, up to 40 calls can be present in a script. Please note that using this variable/function can cause indicator repainting. The resolution argument allowable values are: 1S, 5S, 15S, 30S - for seconds intervals (chart resolution should be less than or equal to the requested resolution) from 1 to 1440 for minutes from 1D to 365D for days from 1W to 52W for weeks from 1M to 12M for months See also syminfo.ticker syminfo.tickerid timeframe.period ta.correlation barmerge.lookahead_off barmerge.lookahead_on



Returns true if the source string contains the str substring, false otherwise.

str.contains(source, str)


// If the current chart is a continuous futures chart, e.g "BTC1!", then the function will return true, false otherwise.
var isFutures = str.contains(syminfo.tickerid, "!")
plot(isFutures ? 1 : 0)

Returns True if the str was found in the source string, false otherwise.


  • source (series string) Source string.
  • str (series string) The substring to search for.

See also str.pos str.match


Returns true if the source string ends with the substring specified in str, false otherwise.

str.endswith(source, str)

Returns True if the source string ends with the substring specified in str, false otherwise.


  • source (series string) Source string.
  • str (series string) The substring to search for.

See also str.startswith


Returns true if the source string starts with the substring specified in str, false otherwise.

str.startswith(source, str)

Returns True if the source string starts with the substring specified in str, false otherwise.


  • source (series string) Source string.
  • str (series string) The substring to search for.

See also str.endswith


Returns a new string that is a substring of the source string. The substring begins with the character at the index specified by begin_pos and extends to ‘end_pos - 1’ of the source string.

str.substring(source, begin_pos)
str.substring(source, begin_pos, end_pos)


pos = str.pos(sym, ":")        // Get position of ":" character
tkr= str.substring(sym, pos+1) // "SYMBOL_NAME"
if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory

Returns The substring extracted from the source string.


  • source (series string) Source string from which to extract the substring.
  • begin_pos (series int) The beginning position of the extracted substring. It is inclusive (the extracted substring includes the character at that position).
  • end_pos (series int) The ending position. It is exclusive (the extracted string does NOT include that position’s character). Optional. The default is the length of the source string.

Remarks Strings indexing starts from 0. If begin_pos is equal to end_pos, the function returns an empty string.

See also str.contains str.pos str.match



Returns A float version of the string if it contains a valid number, na otherwise.


  • string (series string) String representation of an int or float.


Converts the formatting string and value(s) into a formatted string. The formatting string can contain literal text and one placeholder in curly braces {} for each value to be formatted. Each placeholder consists of the index of the required argument (beginning at 0) that will replace it, and an optional format specifier. The index represents the position of that argument in the str.format argument list.

str.format(formatString, arg0, arg1, ...)


// The format specifier inside the curly braces accepts certain modifiers:
// - Specify the number of decimals to display:
s1 = str.format("{0,number,#.#}", 1.34) // returns: 1.3

// - Round a float value to an integer:
s2 = str.format("{0,number,integer}", 1.34) // returns: 1

// - Display a number in currency:
s3 = str.format("{0,number,currency}", 1.34) // returns: $1.34

// - Display a number as a percentage:
s4 = str.format("{0,number,percent}", 0.5) // returns: 50%

// returns: Number 1 is not equal to 4
s5 = str.format("Number {0} is not {1} to {2}", 1, "equal", 4)

// returns: 1.34 != 1.3
s6 = str.format("{0} != {0, number, #.#}", 1.34)

// returns: 1 is equal to 1, but 2 is equal to 2
s7 = str.format("{0, number, integer} is equal to 1, but {1, number, integer} is equal to 2", 1.34, 1.52)

// returns: The cash turnover amounted to $1,340,000.00
s8 = str.format("The cash turnover amounted to {0, number, currency}", 1340000)

// returns: Expected return is 10% - 20%
s9 = str.format("Expected return is {0, number, percent} - {1, number, percent}", 0.1, 0.2)

Returns The formatted string.


  • formatString (series string) Format string.
  • arg0, arg1, ... (series int/float/bool/string/na/int[]/float[]/bool[]/string[]) Values to format.

Remarks Any curly braces within an unquoted pattern must be balanced. For example, “ab {0} de” and “ab ‘}’ de” are valid patterns, but “ab {0’}’ de”, “ab } de” and “’’{’’” are not.


Returns an integer corresponding to the amount of chars in that string.


Returns The number of chars in source string.


  • string (series string) Source string.


Returns a new string with all letters converted to lowercase.


Returns A new string with all letters converted to lowercase.


  • source (series string) String to be converted.

See also str.upper


Returns a new string with all letters converted to uppercase.


Returns A new string with all letters converted to uppercase.


  • source (series string) String to be converted.

See also str.lower


Returns the new substring of the source string if it matches a regex regular expression, ‘na’ otherwise.

str.match(source, regex) 


s = input.string("It's time to sell some EXCHANGE_NAME:SYMBOL_NAME!")

// finding first substring that matches regular expression "[\w]+:[\w]+"
var string tickerid = str.match(s, "[\\w]+:[\\w]+")

if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory
    runtime.log(tickerid) // "EXCHANGE_NAME:SYMBOL_NAME"

Returns The new substring of the source string if it matches a regex regular expression, ‘na’ otherwise.


  • source (series string) Source string.
  • regex (series string) The regular expression to which this string is to be matched.

Remarks Function returns first occurrence of the regular expression in the source string. The backslash “” symbol in the regex string needs to be escaped with additional backslash, e.g. “\d” stands for regular expression “\d”.

See also str.contains str.substring


Returns the position of the first occurrence of the str string in the source string, ‘na’ otherwise.

str.pos(source, str)

Returns Position of the str string in the source string.


  • source (series string) Source string.
  • str (series string) The substring to search for.

Remarks Strings indexing starts at 0.

See also str.contains str.match str.substring


Returns a new string with the N+1th occurrence of the target string and the previous occurrence of target string replaced by the replacement string, where N is specified in occurrence. N is the matching index of the target string to be replaced in the source string.

str.replace(source, target, replacement, occurrence)



// Replace first occurrence of "EXCHANGE1" with "EXCHANGE2" replacement string
var newSource = str.replace(source, "EXCHANGE1",  "EXCHANGE2", 0)

if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory

Returns Processed string.


  • source (series string) Source string.
  • target (series string) String to be replaced.
  • replacement (series string) String to be inserted instead of the target string.
  • occurrence (series int) The matching index of the occurrence of the target string to be replaced in the source string Indexing starts at 0 for the first match. Optional. Default value is 0.

See also str.replace_all str.match


Replaces each occurrence of the target string in the source string with the replacement string.

str.replace_all(source, target, replacement)

Returns Processed string.


  • source (series string) Source string.
  • target (series string) String to be replaced.
  • replacement (series string) String to be substituted for each occurrence of target string.


Divides a string into an array of substrings and returns its array ID.

str.split(string, separator)

Returns The ID of an array of strings.


  • string (series string) Source string.
  • separator (series string) The string separating each substring.


str.tostring(value, format)
str.tostring(value[], format)

Returns The string representation of the value argument. If the value argument is a string, it is returned as is. When the value is na, the function returns the string “NaN”.


  • value (series int/float/bool/string/int[]/float[]/bool[]/string[]) Value or array ID whose elements are converted to a string.
  • format (series string) Format string. Accepts these format.* constants: format.mintick, format.percent, format.volume. Optional. The default value is ‘#.##########’.

Remarks The formatting of float values will also round those values when necessary, e.g. str.tostring(3.99, ‘#’) will return “4”. To display trailing zeros, use ‘0’ instead of ‘#’. For example, ‘#.000’. When using format.mintick, the value will be rounded to the nearest number that can be divided by syminfo.mintick without the remainder. The string is returned with trailing zeroes. If the x argument is a string, the same string value will be returned. Bool type arguments return “true” or “false”. When x is na, the function returns “NaN”.


Function color applies the specified transparency to the given color., transp)


plot(close,, 50))

Returns Color with specified transparency.


  • color (series color)
  • transp (series int/float) Possible values are from 0 (not transparent) to 100 (invisible).

Remarks Using arguments that are not constants (e.g., ‘simple’, ‘input’ or ‘series’) will have an impact on the colors displayed in the script’s “Settings/Style” tab. See the User Manual for more information.


Creates a new color with transparency using the RGB color model.

color.rgb(red, green, blue, transp)


plot(close, color=color.rgb(255, 0, 0, 50))

Returns Color with specified transparency.


  • red (series int/float) Red color component. Possible values are from 0 to 255.
  • green (series int/float) Green color component. Possible values are from 0 to 255.
  • blue (series int/float) Blue color component. Possible values are from 0 to 255.
  • transp (series int/float) Optional. Color transparency. Possible values are from 0 (opaque) to 100 (invisible). Default value is 0.

Remarks Using arguments that are not constants (e.g., “simple”, “input” or “series”) will have an impact on the colors displayed in the script’s “Settings/Style” tab. See the User Manual for more information.



Print variable information to the console.

FMZ PINE language specific functions, runtime.debug(value), with only an argument.


Output content in the log.

FMZ PINE language specific functions, runtime.log(1, 2, 3, close, high, ...), you can pass multiple arguments.


When called, causes a runtime error with the error message specified in the message argument.


Arguments message (series string) Error message.



Adds an input to the Inputs tab of your script’s Settings, which allows you to provide configuration options to script users. This function automatically detects the type of the argument used for “defval” and uses the corresponding input widget.

input(defval, title, tooltip, inline, group)
input(defval, title, inline, group, tooltip)


i_switch = input(true, "On/Off")     // Set true, the default is checked.
plot(i_switch ? open : na)

i_len = input(7, "Length")
i_src = input(close, "Source")       // Drop-down box, select close by default.
plot(ta.sma(i_src, i_len))

i_col = input(, "Plot Color")
plot(close, color=i_col)

i_text = input("Hello!", "Message")

Returns Value of input variable.


  • defval (const int/float/bool/string/color or source-type built-ins) Determines the default value of the input variable proposed in the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab, from where script users can change it. Source-type built-ins are built-in series float variables that specify the source of the calculation: close, hlc3, etc.
  • title (const string) Title of the input. If not specified, the variable name is used as the input’s title. If the title is specified, but it is empty, the name will be an empty string.
  • tooltip (const string) The string that will be shown to the user when hovering over the tooltip icon.
  • inline (const string) Combines all the input calls using the same argument in one line. The string used as an argument is not displayed. It is only used to identify inputs belonging to the same line.
  • group (const string) Creates a header above all inputs using the same group argument string. The string is also used as the header’s text.

Remarks Result of input function always should be assigned to a variable, see examples above.

See also input.bool input.color input.float input.string input.timeframe input.source


Adds an input to the Inputs tab of your script’s Settings, which allows you to provide configuration options to script users. This function adds a dropdown that allows the user to select a source for the calculation, e.g. close, hl2, etc. If the script includes only one input.source() call, the user can also select an output from another indicator on their chart as the source.

input.source(defval, title, tooltip, inline, group)


i_src = input.source(close, "Source")

Returns Value of input variable.


  • defval (series int/float) Determines the default value of the input variable proposed in the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab, from where the user can change it.
  • title (const string) Title of the input. If not specified, the variable name is used as the input’s title. If the title is specified, but it is empty, the name will be an empty string.
  • tooltip (const string) The string that will be shown to the user when hovering over the tooltip icon.
  • inline (const string) Combines all the input calls using the same argument in one line. The string used as an argument is not displayed. It is only used to identify inputs belonging to the same line.
  • group (const string) Creates a header above all inputs using the same group argument string. The string is also used as the header’s text.

Remarks Result of input.source function always should be assigned to a variable, see examples above.

See also input.bool input.float input.string input.timeframe input.color input


Adds an input to the Inputs tab of your script’s Settings, which allows you to provide configuration options to script users. This function adds a field for a string input to the script’s inputs.

input.string(defval, title, options, tooltip, inline, group, confirm)


i_text = input.string("Hello!", "Message")

Returns Value of input variable.


  • defval (const string) Determines the default value of the input variable proposed in the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab, from where the user can change it. When a list of values is used with the options argument, the value must be one of them.
  • title (const string) Title of the input. If not specified, the variable name is used as the input’s title. If the title is specified, but it is empty, the name will be an empty string.
  • options (List of constants: [<type>…]) A list of options to choose from.
  • tooltip (const string) The string that will be shown to the user when hovering over the tooltip icon.
  • inline (const string) Combines all the input calls using the same argument in one line. The string used as an argument is not displayed. It is only used to identify inputs belonging to the same line.
  • group (const string) Creates a header above all inputs using the same group argument string. The string is also used as the header’s text.
  • confirm (const bool) If true, then user will be asked to confirm input value before indicator is added to chart. Default value is false.

Remarks Result of input.string function always should be assigned to a variable, see examples above.

See also input.bool input.float input.timeframe input.source input.color input


Adds an input to the Inputs tab of your script’s Settings, which allows you to provide configuration options to script users. This function adds a checkmark to the script’s inputs.

input.bool(defval, title, tooltip, inline, group, confirm)


i_switch = input.bool(true, "On/Off")
plot(i_switch ? open : na)

Returns Value of input variable.


  • defval (const bool) Determines the default value of the input variable proposed in the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab, from where the user can change it.
  • title (const string) Title of the input. If not specified, the variable name is used as the input’s title. If the title is specified, but it is empty, the name will be an empty string.
  • tooltip (const string) The string that will be shown to the user when hovering over the tooltip icon.
  • inline (const string) Combines all the input calls using the same argument in one line. The string used as an argument is not displayed. It is only used to identify inputs belonging to the same line.
  • group (const string) Creates a header above all inputs using the same group argument string. The string is also used as the header’s text.
  • confirm (const bool) If true, then user will be asked to confirm input value before indicator is added to chart. Default value is false.

Remarks Result of input.bool function always should be assigned to a variable, see examples above.

See also input.float input.string input.timeframe input.source input.color input

Adds an input to the Inputs tab of your script’s Settings, which allows you to provide configuration options to script users. This function adds a field for an integer input to the script’s inputs., title, minval, maxval, step, tooltip, inline, group, confirm), title, options, tooltip, inline, group, confirm)


i_len1 =, "Length 1", minval=5, maxval=21, step=1)
plot(ta.sma(close, i_len1))

i_len2 =, "Length 2", options=[5, 10, 21])
plot(ta.sma(close, i_len2))

Returns Value of input variable.


  • defval (const int) Determines the default value of the input variable proposed in the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab, from where script users can change it. When a list of values is used with the options argument, the value must be one of them.
  • title (const string) Title of the input. If not specified, the variable name is used as the input’s title. If the title is specified, but it is empty, the name will be an empty string.
  • minval (const int) Minimal possible value of the input variable. Optional.
  • maxval (const int) Maximum possible value of the input variable. Optional.
  • step (const int) Step value used for incrementing/decrementing the input. Optional. The default is 1.
  • options (tuple of const int values: [val1, val2, …]) A list of options to choose from a dropdown menu, separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets: [val1, val2, …]. When using this argument, the minval, maxval and step arguments cannot be used.
  • tooltip (const string) The string that will be shown to the user when hovering over the tooltip icon.
  • inline (const string) Combines all the input calls using the same argument in one line. The string used as an argument is not displayed. It is only used to identify inputs belonging to the same line.
  • group (const string) Creates a header above all inputs using the same group argument string. The string is also used as the header’s text.
  • confirm (const bool) If true, then user will be asked to confirm input value before indicator is added to chart. Default value is false.

Remarks Result of function always should be assigned to a variable, see examples above.

See also input.bool input.float input.string input.timeframe input.source input.color input


Adds an input to the Inputs tab of your script’s Settings, which allows you to provide configuration options to script users. This function adds a field for a float input to the script’s inputs.

input.float(defval, title, minval, maxval, step, tooltip, inline, group, confirm)
input.float(defval, title, options, tooltip, inline, group, confirm)


i_angle1 = input.float(0.5, "Sin Angle", minval=-3.14, maxval=3.14, step=0.02)
plot(math.sin(i_angle1) > 0 ? close : open, "sin",

i_angle2 = input.float(0, "Cos Angle", options=[-3.14, -1.57, 0, 1.57, 3.14])
plot(math.cos(i_angle2) > 0 ? close : open, "cos",

Returns Value of input variable.


  • defval (const int/float) Determines the default value of the input variable proposed in the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab, from where script users can change it. When a list of values is used with the options argument, the value must be one of them.
  • title (const string) Title of the input. If not specified, the variable name is used as the input’s title. If the title is specified, but it is empty, the name will be an empty string.
  • minval (const int/float) Minimal possible value of the input variable. Optional.
  • maxval (const int/float) Maximum possible value of the input variable. Optional.
  • step (const int/float) Step value used for incrementing/decrementing the input. Optional. The default is 1.
  • options (tuple of const int/float values: [val1, val2, …]) A list of options to choose from a dropdown menu, separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets: [val1, val2, …]. When using this argument, the minval, maxval and step arguments cannot be used.
  • tooltip (const string) The string that will be shown to the user when hovering over the tooltip icon.
  • inline (const string) Combines all the input calls using the same argument in one line. The string used as an argument is not displayed. It is only used to identify inputs belonging to the same line.
  • group (const string) Creates a header above all inputs using the same group argument string. The string is also used as the header’s text.
  • confirm (const bool) If true, then user will be asked to confirm input value before indicator is added to chart. Default value is false.

Remarks Result of input.float function always should be assigned to a variable, see examples above.

See also input.bool input.string input.timeframe input.source input.color input


Adds an input to the Inputs tab of your script’s Settings, which allows you to provide configuration options to script users. This function adds a color picker that allows the user to select a color and transparency, either from a palette or a hex value.

input.color(defval, title, tooltip, inline, group, confirm) 


i_col = input.color(, "Plot Color")
plot(close, color=i_col)

Returns Value of input variable.


  • defval (const color) Determines the default value of the input variable proposed in the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab, from where the user can change it.
  • title (const string) Title of the input. If not specified, the variable name is used as the input’s title. If the title is specified, but it is empty, the name will be an empty string.
  • tooltip (const string) The string that will be shown to the user when hovering over the tooltip icon.
  • inline (const string) Combines all the input calls using the same argument in one line. The string used as an argument is not displayed. It is only used to identify inputs belonging to the same line.
  • group (const string) Creates a header above all inputs using the same group argument string. The string is also used as the header’s text.
  • confirm (const bool) If true, then user will be asked to confirm input value before indicator is added to chart. Default value is false.

Remarks Result of input.color function always should be assigned to a variable, see examples above.

See also input.bool input.float input.string input.timeframe input.source input


Adds a price input to the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab. Using confirm = true activates the interactive input mode where a price is selected by clicking on the chart.

input.price(defval, title, tooltip, inline, group, confirm) 


price1 = input.price(title="Date", defval=42)

price2 = input.price(54, title="Date")

Returns Value of input variable.


  • defval (const int/float) Determines the default value of the input variable proposed in the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab, from where the user can change it.
  • title (const string) Title of the input. If not specified, the variable name is used as the input’s title. If the title is specified, but it is empty, the name will be an empty string.
  • tooltip (const string) The string that will be shown to the user when hovering over the tooltip icon.
  • inline (const string) Combines all the input calls using the same argument in one line. The string used as an argument is not displayed. It is only used to identify inputs belonging to the same line.
  • group (const string) Creates a header above all inputs using the same group argument string. The string is also used as the header’s text.
  • confirm (const bool) If true, the interactive input mode is enabled and the selection is done by clicking on the chart when the indicator is added to the chart, or by selecting the indicator and moving the selection after that. Optional. The default is false.

Remarks When using interactive mode, a time input can be combined with a price input if both function calls use the same argument for their inline argument.

See also input.bool input.float input.string input.resolution input.source input.color input


Adds an input to the Inputs tab of your script’s Settings, which allows you to provide configuration options to script users. This function adds a dropdown that allows the user to select a specific timeframe via the timeframe selector and returns it as a string. The selector includes the custom timeframes a user may have added using the chart’s Timeframe dropdown.

input.timeframe(defval, title, options, tooltip, inline, group, confirm)


i_res = input.timeframe('D', "Resolution", options=['D', 'W', 'M'])
s ="syminfo.tickerid", i_res, close)

Returns Value of input variable.


  • defval (const string) Determines the default value of the input variable proposed in the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab, from where the user can change it. When a list of values is used with the options argument, the value must be one of them.
  • title (const string) Title of the input. If not specified, the variable name is used as the input’s title. If the title is specified, but it is empty, the name will be an empty string.
  • options (tuple of const string values: [val1, val2, …]) A list of options to choose from.
  • tooltip (const string) The string that will be shown to the user when hovering over the tooltip icon.
  • inline (const string) Combines all the input calls using the same argument in one line. The string used as an argument is not displayed. It is only used to identify inputs belonging to the same line.
  • group (const string) Creates a header above all inputs using the same group argument string. The string is also used as the header’s text.
  • confirm (const bool) If true, then user will be asked to confirm input value before indicator is added to chart. Default value is false.

Remarks Result of input.timeframe function always should be assigned to a variable, see examples above.

See also input.bool input.float input.string input.source input.color input


Not available.


Not available.



Arnaud Legoux Moving Average. It uses Gaussian distribution as weights for moving average.

ta.alma(series, length, offset, sigma) 
ta.alma(series, length, offset, sigma, floor) 


plot(ta.alma(close, 9, 0.85, 6))

// same on pine, but much less efficient
pine_alma(series, windowsize, offset, sigma) =>
    m = offset * (windowsize - 1)
    //m = math.floor(offset * (windowsize - 1)) // Used as m when math.floor=true
    s = windowsize / sigma
    norm = 0.0
    sum = 0.0
    for i = 0 to windowsize - 1
        weight = math.exp(-1 * math.pow(i - m, 2) / (2 * math.pow(s, 2)))
        norm := norm + weight
        sum := sum + series[windowsize - i - 1] * weight
    sum / norm
plot(pine_alma(close, 9, 0.85, 6))

Returns Arnaud Legoux Moving Average.


  • series (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).
  • offset (simple int/float) Controls tradeoff between smoothness (closer to 1) and responsiveness (closer to 0).
  • sigma (simple int/float) Changes the smoothness of ALMA. The larger sigma the smoother ALMA.
  • floor (simple bool) An optional argument. Specifies whether the offset calculation is floored before ALMA is calculated. Default value is false.

See also ta.sma ta.ema ta.rma ta.wma ta.vwma ta.swma


The sma function returns the moving average, that is the sum of last y values of x, divided by y.

ta.sma(source, length) 


plot(ta.sma(close, 15))

// same on pine, but much less efficient
pine_sma(x, y) =>
    sum = 0.0
    for i = 0 to y - 1
        sum := sum + x[i] / y
plot(pine_sma(close, 15))

Returns Simple moving average of source for length bars back.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also ta.ema ta.rma ta.wma ta.vwma ta.swma ta.alma


The cog (center of gravity) is an indicator based on statistics and the Fibonacci golden ratio.

ta.cog(source, length) 


plot(ta.cog(close, 10))

// the same on pine
pine_cog(source, length) =>
    sum = math.sum(source, length)
    num = 0.0
    for i = 0 to length - 1
        price = source[i]
        num := num + price * (i + 1)
    -num / sum

plot(pine_cog(close, 10))

Returns Center of Gravity.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also ta.stoch

Measure of difference between the series and it’s ta.sma, length) 


plot(, 10))

// the same on pine
pine_dev(source, length) =>
    mean = ta.sma(source, length)
    sum = 0.0
    for i = 0 to length - 1
        val = source[i]
        sum := sum + math.abs(val - mean)
    dev = sum/length
plot(pine_dev(close, 10))

Returns Deviation of source for length bars back.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also ta.variance ta.stdev


ta.stdev(source, length, biased) 


plot(ta.stdev(close, 5))

//the same on pine
isZero(val, eps) => math.abs(val) <= eps

SUM(fst, snd) =>
    EPS = 1e-10
    res = fst + snd
    if isZero(res, EPS)
        res := 0
        if not isZero(res, 1e-4)
            res := res

pine_stdev(src, length) =>
    avg = ta.sma(src, length)
    sumOfSquareDeviations = 0.0
    for i = 0 to length - 1
        sum = SUM(src[i], -avg)
        sumOfSquareDeviations := sumOfSquareDeviations + sum * sum

    stdev = math.sqrt(sumOfSquareDeviations / length)
plot(pine_stdev(close, 5))

Returns Standard deviation.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).
  • biased (series bool) Determines which estimate should be used. Optional. The default is true.

Remarks If biased is true, function will calculate using a biased estimate of the entire population, if false - unbiased estimate of a sample.

See also ta.variance


The ema function returns the exponentially weighted moving average. In ema weighting factors decrease exponentially. It calculates by using a formula: EMA = alpha * source + (1 - alpha) * EMA[1], where alpha = 2 / (length + 1).

ta.ema(source, length) 


plot(ta.ema(close, 15))

//the same on pine
pine_ema(src, length) =>
    alpha = 2 / (length + 1)
    sum = 0.0
    sum := na(sum[1]) ? src : alpha * src + (1 - alpha) * nz(sum[1])

Returns Exponential moving average of source with alpha = 2 / (length + 1).


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (simple int) Number of bars (length).

Remarks Please note that using this variable/function can cause indicator repainting.

See also ta.sma ta.rma ta.wma ta.vwma ta.swma ta.alma


The wma function returns weighted moving average of source for length bars back. In wma weighting factors decrease in arithmetical progression.

ta.wma(source, length) 


plot(ta.wma(close, 15))

// same on pine, but much less efficient
pine_wma(x, y) =>
    norm = 0.0
    sum = 0.0
    for i = 0 to y - 1
        weight = (y - i) * y
        norm := norm + weight
        sum := sum + x[i] * weight
    sum / norm
plot(pine_wma(close, 15))

Returns Weighted moving average of source for length bars back.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also ta.sma ta.ema ta.rma ta.vwma ta.swma ta.alma


Symmetrically weighted moving average with fixed length: 4. Weights: [1/6, 2/6, 2/6, 1/6].




// same on pine, but less efficient
pine_swma(x) =>
    x[3] * 1 / 6 + x[2] * 2 / 6 + x[1] * 2 / 6 + x[0] * 1 / 6

Returns Symmetrically weighted moving average.


  • source (series int/float) Source series.

See also ta.sma ta.ema ta.rma ta.wma ta.vwma ta.alma


The hma function returns the Hull Moving Average.

ta.hma(source, length)


src = input(defval=close, title="Source")
length = input(defval=9, title="Length")
hmaBuildIn = ta.hma(src, length)
plot(hmaBuildIn, title="Hull MA", color=#674EA7)

Returns Hull moving average of ‘source’ for ‘length’ bars back.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (simple int) Number of bars.

See also ta.ema ta.rma ta.wma ta.vwma ta.sma


Moving average used in RSI. It is the exponentially weighted moving average with alpha = 1 / length.

ta.rma(source, length)


plot(ta.rma(close, 15))

//the same on pine
pine_rma(src, length) =>
  alpha = 1/length
  sum = 0.0
  sum := na(sum[1]) ? ta.sma(src, length) : alpha * src + (1 - alpha) * nz(sum[1])
plot(pine_rma(close, 15))

Returns Exponential moving average of source with alpha = 1 / length.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (simple int) Number of bars (length).

See also ta.sma ta.ema ta.wma ta.vwma ta.swma ta.alma ta.rsi


Relative strength index. It is calculated using the ta.rma() of upward and downward changes of source over the last length bars.

ta.rsi(source, length)


plot(ta.rsi(close, 7))

// same on pine, but less efficient
pine_rsi(x, y) => 
    u = math.max(x - x[1], 0) // upward ta.change
    d = math.max(x[1] - x, 0) // downward ta.change
    rs = ta.rma(u, y) / ta.rma(d, y)
    res = 100 - 100 / (1 + rs)

plot(pine_rsi(close, 7))

Returns Relative strength index.(RSI)


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (simple int) Number of bars (length).

See also ta.rma


True strength index. It uses moving averages of the underlying momentum of a financial instrument.

ta.tsi(source, short_length, long_length)

Returns True strength index. A value in range [-1, 1].


  • source (series int/float) Source series.
  • short_length (simple int) Short length.
  • long_length (simple int) Long length.


Function roc (rate of change) showing the difference between current value of source and the value of source that was length days ago. It is calculated by the formula: 100 * change(src, length) / src[length].

ta.roc(source, length)

Returns The rate of change of source for length bars back.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).


Returns the difference between the min and max values in a series.

ta.range(source, length)

Returns The difference between the min and max values in the series.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).


MACD (moving average convergence/divergence). It is supposed to reveal changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a stock’s price.

ta.macd(source, fastlen, slowlen, siglen) 


[macdLine, signalLine, histLine] = ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
plot(histLine,, style=plot.style_histogram)

If you need only one value, use placeholders ‘_’ like this: Example

[_, signalLine, _] = ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)

Returns Tuple of three MACD series: MACD line, signal line and histogram line.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • fastlen (simple int) Fast Length argument.
  • slowlen (simple int) Slow Length argument.
  • siglen (simple int) Signal Length argument.

See also ta.sma ta.ema


Returns the mode of the series. If there are several values with the same frequency, it returns the smallest value.

ta.mode(source, length)

Returns The mode of the series.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).


Returns the median of the series.

ta.median(source, length) 

Returns The median of the series.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).


Linear regression curve. A line that best fits the prices specified over a user-defined time period. It is calculated using the least squares method. The result of this function is calculated using the formula: linreg = intercept + slope * (length - 1 - offset), where intercept and slope are the values calculated with the least squares method on source series.

ta.linreg(source, length, offset) 

Returns Linear regression curve.


  • source (series int/float) Source series.
  • length (series int)
  • offset (simple int) Offset.

Bollinger Bands. A Bollinger Band is a technical analysis tool defined by a set of lines plotted two standard deviations (positively and negatively) away from a simple moving average (SMA) of the security’s price, but can be adjusted to user preferences., length, mult) 


[middle, upper, lower] =, 5, 4)
plot(middle, color=color.yellow)
plot(upper, color=color.yellow)
plot(lower, color=color.yellow)

// the same on pine
f_bb(src, length, mult) =>
    float basis = ta.sma(src, length)
    float dev = mult * ta.stdev(src, length)
    [basis, basis + dev, basis - dev]

[pineMiddle, pineUpper, pineLower] = f_bb(close, 5, 4)


Returns Bollinger Bands.


  • series (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).
  • mult (simple int/float) Standard deviation factor.

See also ta.sma ta.stdev ta.kc


Bollinger Bands Width. The Bollinger Band Width is the difference between the upper and the lower Bollinger Bands divided by the middle band.

ta.bbw(series, length, mult) 


plot(ta.bbw(close, 5, 4), color=color.yellow)

// the same on pine
f_bbw(src, length, mult) =>
    float basis = ta.sma(src, length)
    float dev = mult * ta.stdev(src, length)
    ((basis + dev) - (basis - dev)) / basis

plot(f_bbw(close, 5, 4))

Returns Bollinger Bands Width.


  • series (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).
  • mult (simple int/float) Standard deviation factor.

See also ta.sma ta.stdev


The CCI (commodity channel index) is calculated as the difference between the typical price of a commodity and its simple moving average, divided by the mean absolute deviation of the typical price. The index is scaled by an inverse factor of 0.015 to provide more readable numbers.

ta.cci(source, length) 

Returns Commodity channel index of source for length bars back.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).


The difference between the current value and the previous value, source - source [length].

ta.change(source, length) 

Returns The result of subtraction.


  • source (series int/float) Source series.
  • length (series int) Offset from the current bar to the previous bar. Optional, if not given, length=1 is used.

See also ta.cross

Momentum of source price and source price length bars ago. This is simply a difference: source - source[length]., length) 

Returns Momentum of source price and source price length bars ago.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Offset from the current bar to the previous bar.

See also ta.change


Chande Momentum Oscillator. Calculates the difference between the sum of recent gains and the sum of recent losses and then divides the result by the sum of all price movement over the same period.

ta.cmo(series, length) 


plot(ta.cmo(close, 5), color=color.yellow)

// the same on pine
f_cmo(src, length) =>
    float mom = ta.change(src)
    float sm1 = math.sum((mom >= 0) ? mom : 0.0, length)
    float sm2 = math.sum((mom >= 0) ? 0.0 : -mom, length)
    100 * (sm1 - sm2) / (sm1 + sm2)

plot(f_cmo(close, 5))

Returns Chande Momentum Oscillator.


  • series (series int/float) Series of values to process.
  • length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also ta.rsi ta.stoch math.sum


Calculates percentile using method of linear interpolation between the two nearest ranks.

ta.percentile_linear_interpolation(source, length, percentage) 

Returns P-th percentile of source series for length bars back.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process (source).
  • length (series int) Number of bars back (length).
  • percentage (simple int/float) Percentage, a number from range 0…100.

Remarks Note that a percentile calculated using this method will NOT always be a member of the input data set.

See also ta.percentile_nearest_rank


Calculates percentile using method of Nearest Rank.

ta.percentile_nearest_rank(source, length, percentage) 

Returns P-th percentile of source series for length bars back.


  • source (series int/float) Series of values to process (source).
  • length (series int) Number of bars bac


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