Strategie für die Preisentwicklung

Schriftsteller:ChaoZhang, Datum: 2023-09-19 11:17:07


Dies ist eine Handelsstrategie, die auf der Preisbewegung basiert und mit gleitenden Durchschnitten kombiniert wird, um Trends zu identifizieren und Preismuster für den Einstieg zu verwenden.


Die Strategie beruht hauptsächlich auf folgenden Aspekten:

  1. Wenn 89-Perioden-EMA und Hull MA beide rot sind, wird es als Bärentrend beurteilt, nur kurz gehen; wenn beide grün sind, wird es als Stiertrend beurteilt, nur lang gehen; wenn einer grün und einer rot ist, wird es als Konsolidierung beurteilt, sowohl lang als auch kurz sind möglich.

  2. Identifizierung von Signalen mit Preismustern. Die Strategie erkennt verschiedene Kerzenkombinationen wie einzelne Kerzen, gefälschte Muster, Innenbalken usw., um potenzielle Einstiegspunkte zu erkennen.

  3. Die Strategie umfasst auch wichtige S/R-Level, um die Signalen für das Preismuster weiter zu überprüfen und falsche Ausbrüche zu vermeiden.

  4. MACD-Histogrammfarben werden verwendet, um Preismustersignale zu bestätigen und die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu verbessern.

  5. Die Strategie umfasst ein Trendfollowing-Modul, um Trendumkehrungen genauer zu erkennen und Höhen und Tiefen zu vermeiden.

  6. Festgesetzte Stop-Loss- und Take-Profit-Einstellungen basierend auf dem ATR sind für die Risikomanagement- und Gewinnmanagementfunktion enthalten.

Analyse der Vorteile

Die Strategie weist folgende Vorteile auf:

  1. Preisbewegung basiert, nicht von Indikatoren beeinflusst, reine Preisbewegung ohne komplexe Indikatoren, näher am Markt.

  2. EMA und Hull MA identifizieren die Trendrichtung, agieren nach Trends und vermeiden gegentrendige Trades.

  3. Das Muster + Indikator verbessert die Wahrscheinlichkeit. Preismuster in Kombination mit MACD überprüft Signale, filtert falsche Signale und verbessert die Rentabilität.

  4. Der Trend folgende Modul erfasst größere Zeiträume mit größeren Gewinnpotentialen.

  5. Ein festes Stop-Loss-/Take-Profit-Verhältnis hilft bei der Risikomanagement.


Die Strategie birgt außerdem folgende Risiken:

  1. Größere Zeitrahmen-Trend-Umkehrrisiken. Die Strategie funktioniert am besten mit klaren mittelfristigen / kurzfristigen Trends. Größere Umkehrrisiken werden gestoppt. Größere Zeitrahmen-Analyse kann helfen, zu vermeiden.

  2. Preismusterversagen Risiko. Preismuster haben unterschiedliche Wirksamkeit in verschiedenen Marktumgebungen. Einige Märkte können dazu führen, dass Muster versagen, was zu Verlusten führt. Backtesting verschiedene Märkte kann die Musterwahl optimieren.

  3. Parameteroptimierungsschwierigkeit. Die Strategie hat mehrere Parameter. Verschiedene Kombinationen beeinflussen die Ergebnisse erheblich. Umfangreiches Backtesting ist erforderlich, um optimale Parameter zu finden. Die statische Einstellung birgt auch Risiken für Marktregimeänderungen. Ein dynamischer Parameteroptimierungsmechanismus kann dazu beitragen, dies zu beheben.

  4. Unfähigkeit, das individuelle Handelsrisiko zu kontrollieren. Festgelegte Stop-Loss/Take-Profit können sich nicht an Schwankungen in jedem Handel anpassen und individuelle Handelsrisiko-/Renditeverhältnisse verwalten. Dynamische Stop-Loss-Algorithmen oder Risikomanagementmodule können helfen.


Die Strategie kann in folgenden Bereichen verbessert werden:

  1. Einführung von maschinellem Lernen zur komplexeren Mustererkennung. Verwenden Sie Deep Learning usw. zur automatischen Erkennung effektiverer Muster

  2. Erhöhen Sie die Anpassungsfähigkeit. Erstellen Sie dynamische Mechanismen zur Optimierung von Parametern, damit sich die Strategie anhand von Echtzeitmarktbedingungen anstelle statischer Einstellungen anpassen kann.

  3. Fügen Sie mehr Preis-Aktionsfaktoren wie Volumen, Übernachtungslücken usw. hinzu, um Signale zu bestätigen und das Risiko zu reduzieren, gefangen zu werden.

  4. Einführung von Risikomanagement und Positionsgrößen, automatische Anpassung der Positionsgrößen anhand von Schwellenwerten zur effektiven Kontrolle von Einzelhandelsstop-Loss und Optimierung der Risikoverhältnisse.

  5. Optimierung der Eintrittsmechanismen und Verbesserung der Trenddetektionsmodule zur genaueren Identifizierung von Trend-/Konsolidierungsrhythmen, um die Eingangsgenauigkeit zu verbessern.


Insgesamt liegt die Kernstärke dieser Strategie in den auf Preisaktionen basierenden Urteilen, die Abhängigkeit von Indikatoren vermeiden und die Markthaltung maximal widerspiegeln. Die Kombination von Trends und Indikatoren verbessert die Rentabilität, während Stop-Loss / Take-Profit das Risiko kontrolliert. Allerdings müssen Risiken wie größere Zeitrahmentrendumkehrungen, Preismusterversagen angegangen werden. Zukünftige Verbesserungen können durch maschinelles Lernen, dynamische Parameteroptimierung, Risikomanagementmodule usw. erzielt werden, um die Strategie robuster zu machen.

start: 2023-08-19 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-18 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
args: [["v_input_1",true]]

// strategy(title="Price Action", shorttitle="Price Action", overlay=true,default_qty_value=2000,initial_capital=1000,currency=currency.USD, pyramiding=1,calc_on_every_tick=true)
// EMA //
HiLoLen = 34
pacL = ema(low,HiLoLen)
pacC = ema(close,HiLoLen)
pacH = ema(high,HiLoLen)
signalMA = ema(close,89)
plot(signalMA, color=col1, title="SignalMA")
// Plot the Price Action Channel (PAC) base on EMA high,low and close//
//L=plot(pacL, color=yellow, linewidth=1, title="High PAC EMA",transp=0)
//C=plot(pacC, color=yellow, style = line, linewidth=1, title="Close PAC EMA",transp=0)
//H=plot(pacH, color=yellow, linewidth=1, title="Low PAC EMA",transp=0)
// HullMA //
condDown = n2 >= n1
condUp = condDown != true
col =condUp ? lime : condDown ? red : yellow
plot(n1,title="Hull MA", color=col,linewidth=1)
// Macd Barcolor
fastlength = 12
slowlength = 26
MACDLength = 9
MACD = ema(close, fastlength) - ema(close, slowlength)
aMACD = ema(MACD, MACDLength)
delta = MACD - aMACD
hisup= iff(delta>delta[1] and delta>0, 1,iff(delta<delta[1], -1, nz(hisup[1], 0)))
hisdown = iff(delta<delta[1] and delta<0, 1,iff(delta>delta[1], -1, nz(hisdown[1], 0)))
//Swing high low// 
ktswinghigh=(high<=high[2] and high[1]<=high[2] and high[3]<=high[2] and high[4]<=high[2])// and high<high[1] and high[4]<high[3]) or (high<high[1] and high[1]<high[2] and high[4]<high[2] and high[5]<high[2] and high[3]<high[2]) 
ktswinghigh3=(high<high[1] and high[1]<high[3] and high[5]<high[3] and high[6]<high[5]and high[2]<high[3] and high[4]<high[3]) or(high<high[3] and high[2]<high[3] and high[1]<high[3] and high[4]<high[3] and high[5]<high[4])
swinghigh = fixnan(sh)
plot(swinghigh,color=colorsh,title="Swing High",style=line,offset=-2)

ktswinglow=(low>=low[2] and low[1]>=low[2] and low[3]>=low[2] and low[4]>=low[2])// and low>low[1] and low[4]>low[3]) or (low>low[1] and low[1]>low[2] and low[4]>low[2] and low[5]>low[2] and low[3]>low[2])
ktswinglow3=low>low[1] and low[1]>low[3] and low[5]>low[3] and low[6]>low[5]  and low[2]>low[3] and low[4]>low[3] or (low>low[3] and low[1]>low[3] and low[2]>low[3] and low[4]>low[3] and low[5]>low[4])
swinglow = fixnan(sl)
plot(swinglow,title="Swing Low",color=colorsl,style=line,offset=-2)

// Pinbar FailBreak
beariskpinbar= (close-open<(high-low)/3 and open-close<(high-low)/3)  and ((high>swinghigh and high>high[1] and high>high[2] and high>high[3] and close<swinghigh))// or ((open[2]<ema21[2] or close[2]<ema21[2]) and high>ema21 and low[2]<low[1] and low[3]<low[2] and high>high[1] and high>high[2] and high>high[3]))
bullishpibar=(close-open<(high-low)/3 and open-close<(high-low)/3)  and ((low<swinglow and low<low[1] and low<low[2] and low<low[3] and close>swinglow))// or ((open[2]>ema21[2] or close[2]>ema21[2]) and low<ema21 and high[2]>high[1] and high[3]>high[2] and low<low[1] and low<low[2] and low<low[3]))

Inside(position) => high <= high[position] and low >= low[position]
outsidebar = (high >= high[1] and low <= low[1])
barcolor((high <= high[1] and low >= low[1]) ? white : na)
barcolor(hisup==1 and MACD>0 ? lime: hisdown==1 and MACD<0 ? red : hisup==-1 and MACD>0  ? green: orange )
barcolor(bullishpibar or beariskpinbar ?white:na)
secLast = 1
fakey = (high[1] <= high[2] and low[1] >= low[2] and high > high[2] and close >= low[2] and close < high[2]) or (high[2]<=high[3] and low[2]>=low[3] and high[1]>high[2] and close<high[2] and close>low[3] and high-close>0.75*(high-low))// ? red : na
fakey1 = (high[1] <= high[2] and low[1] >= low[2] and low < low[2] and close > low[2] and close <= high[1]) or (high[2]<=high[3] and low[2]>=low[3] and low[1]<low[2] and close>low[2] and close<high[3] and close-low>0.75*(high-low)) //? lime : na
barcolor(fakey or fakey1?white:na)
//plotshape(beariskpinbar and (not fakey or (fakey and outsidebar)) , title= "Pinbar Bearisk", location=location.abovebar, color=white, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Pinbar",size=size.tiny)
//plotshape(bullishpibar  and (not fakey1 or (fakey1 and outsidebar)), title= "Pinbar Bullish", location=location.belowbar, color=white, style=shape.arrowup, text="Pinbar",size=size.tiny)

//insidebar= Inside(secLast)? #FF9800: na
onewhitesoliderbear=  close<open and high[1]-close>0.5*(high[1]-low[1]) and (open-close)>2/3*(high-low) and (high[1]>ema21[1] or high>ema21) and open[1]<ema21[1] and close-low<(high-close)*0.3 and (open[2]<ema21[2] or close[2]<ema21[2]) and close<ema21 and low[2]<low[1] and low[3]<low[2]
onewwhitesoliderbull=  close>open and close-low[1]>0.5*(high[1]-low[1]) and (close-open)>2/3*(high-low) and (low[1]<ema21[1] or low<ema21) and open[1]>ema21[1] and high-close<(close-low)*0.3  and (open[2]>ema21[2] or close[2]>ema21[2]) and close>ema21 and high[2]>high[1] and high[3]>high[2]
onewhitesoliderbear1=  close<open and high[1]-close>0.5*(high[1]-low[1]) and (open-close)>2/3*(high-low) and (high[1]>pacC[1] or high>pacC) and open[1]<pacC[1] and close-low<(high-close)*0.3 and (open[2]<pacC[2] or close[2]<pacC[2]) and close<pacC and low[2]<low[1] and low[3]<low[2]
onewwhitesoliderbull1=  close>open and close-low[1]>0.5*(high[1]-low[1]) and (close-open)>2/3*(high-low) and (low[1]<pacC[1] or low<pacC) and open[1]>pacC[1] and high-close<(close-low)*0.3  and (open[2]>pacC[2] or close[2]>pacC[2]) and close>pacC and high[2]>high[1] and high[3]>high[2]
onewhitesoliderbear2=  close<open and high[1]-close>0.5*(high[1]-low[1]) and (open-close)>2/3*(high-low) and (high[1]>signalMA[1] or high>signalMA) and open[1]<signalMA[1] and close-low<(high-close)*0.3 and (open[2]<signalMA[2] or close[2]<signalMA[2]) and close<signalMA and low[2]<low[1] and low[3]<low[2]
onewwhitesoliderbull2=  close>open and close-low[1]>0.5*(high[1]-low[1]) and (close-open)>2/3*(high-low) and (low[1]<signalMA[1] or low<signalMA) and open[1]>signalMA[1] and high-close<(close-low)*0.3  and (open[2]>signalMA[2] or close[2]>signalMA[2]) and close>signalMA and high[2]>high[1] and high[3]>high[2]

//plotshape(beariskpinbar and (not fakey or (fakey and outsidebar)) and not onewhitesoliderbear and not onewwhitesoliderbull, title= "Pinbar Bearisk", location=location.abovebar, color=white, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Pinbar",size=size.tiny)
//plotshape(bullishpibar  and (not fakey1 or (fakey1 and outsidebar)) and not onewwhitesoliderbull and not onewhitesoliderbear, title= "Pinbar Bullish", location=location.belowbar, color=white, style=shape.arrowup, text="Pinbar",size=size.tiny)


//pinbar=(open>ema21 and low<ema21 and close-low>2*(high-close)) or (open[1]>ema21[1] and low[1]<ema21[1] and (close-low[1]>2*(high[1]-close) or close-low>2*(high[1]-close)))? green:na
//pinbar2=(open<ema21 and high>ema21 and high-close>2*(close-low)) or (open[1]<ema21[1] and high[1]>ema21[1] and (high[1]-close>2*(close-low[1]) or high-close>2*(close-low[1])))?orange:na
//bgcolor(insidebar, transp=70)
//bgcolor(fakey, transp=80)
//bgcolor(fakey1, transp=80)
//bgcolor(pinbar, transp=70)
//bgcolor(pinbar2, transp=70)

insidebar = ((high[1] <= high[2] and low[1] >= low[2]) and not(outsidebar))
barcolor(outsidebar and high[1]<=high[2] and low[1]>=low[2]?white:na)
bearishibbf=( insidebar and (high > high[1] and close < high[1]))
//barcolor( bearishibbf ? white : na, 0, true, "Bearish Inside Bar Breakout Failure")
//plotshape(bearishibbf and not fakey, title= "Bearish Inside Bar Breakout Failure", location=location.abovebar, color=white, style=shape.arrowdown, text="InsideBar\nFailBreak",size=size.tiny)

bullishibbf=(insidebar and (low < low[1] and close > low[1]))
//barcolor( bullishibbf ? white : na, 0, true, "Bullish Inside Bar Breakout Failure")
//plotshape(bullishibbf and not fakey1, title= "Bullish Inside Bar Breakout Failure", location=location.belowbar, color=white, style=shape.arrowup, text="InsideBar\nFailBreak",size=size.tiny)
barcolor((onewwhitesoliderbull or onewhitesoliderbear) and not insidebar?white:na)

// Outsidebar follow Insidebar
///plotshape(outsidebar and ((high[1]<=high[2] and low[1]>=low[2] ) ) and close<ema21 and not beariskpinbar and not bullishpibar, title= "OutsideBar Break InsideBar", location=location.abovebar, color=white, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Outside\nBar",size=size.tiny)
//plotshape(outsidebar and ((high[1]<=high[2] and low[1]>=low[2]) ) and close>ema21 and not beariskpinbar and not bullishpibar, title= "OutsideBar Break InsideBar", location=location.belowbar, color=white, style=shape.arrowup, text="Outside\nBar",size=size.tiny)
whitesoldierreversal= ((low[1]<low[2] and low[2]<low[3]) or (high[1]<high[2] and high[2]<high[3])) and low[3]<low[8] and low[8]<ema21[8] and high[2]<ema21[2] and high[1]<ema21[1]  and high[3]<ema21[3] and close-low[1]>(high[1]-close) and (open<close[1] or open<open[1]) and close-open>0.3*(high-low) and high-close<0.5*(close-open)
blackcrowreversal= ((high[1]>high[2] and high[2]>high[3]) or (low[1]>low[2] and low[2]>low[3])) and high[3]>high[8] and high[8]>ema21[8] and low[2]>ema21[2] and low[1]>ema21[1] and low[3]>ema21[3] and close-low[1]<(high[1]-close) and (open>close[1] or open>open[1]) and open-close>0.3*(high-low) and close-low<0.5*(open-close)
// Black Crow and White Soldier Reversal
//plotshape(whitesoldierreversal, title= "Piercing Pattern", location=location.belowbar, color=white, style=shape.arrowup, text="Piercing",size=size.tiny)
//plotshape(blackcrowreversal, title= "Dark Cloud Cover", location=location.abovebar, color=white, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Dark\nCloud",size=size.tiny)
barcolor(blackcrowreversal or whitesoldierreversal?white:na)
pinbarreversalbull= ((low[1]<low[2] and low[2]<low[3]) or (high[1]<high[2] and high[2]<high[3])) and low[3]<low[8] and low[8]<ema21[8] and high[2]<ema21[2] and high[1]<ema21[1]  and high[3]<ema21[3] and close-open<(high-low)/3 and open-close<(high-low)/3 and high-close<close-low and low<low[1]
pinbarreversalbear= ((high[1]>high[2] and high[2]>high[3])or (low[1]>low[2] and low[2]>low[3])) and high[3]>high[8] and high[8]>ema21[8] and low[2]>ema21[2] and low[1]>ema21[1] and low[3]>ema21[3] and close-open<(high-low)/3 and open-close<(high-low)/3 and high-close>close-low and high>high[1]
// Pinbar Reversal
//plotshape(pinbarreversalbull and not whitesoldierreversal and not fakey1 and not blackcrowreversal and not whitesoldierreversal and not bullishpibar, title= "Bullish Pinbar Reversal", location=location.belowbar, color=white, style=shape.arrowup, text="Pinbar",size=size.tiny)
//plotshape(pinbarreversalbear and not blackcrowreversal and not fakey and not whitesoldierreversal and not blackcrowreversal and not beariskpinbar, title= "Bearisk Pinbar Reversal", location=location.abovebar, color=white, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Pinbar",size=size.tiny)
barcolor(pinbarreversalbear or pinbarreversalbull?white:na)
// Fakey
plotshape(fakey and (not outsidebar or not (high[1]<=high[2] and low[1]>=low[2]) )  and not blackcrowreversal   , title= "Fakey Bearisk", location=location.abovebar, color=white, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Fakey",size=size.tiny)
plotshape(fakey1 and (not outsidebar or not (high[1]<=high[2] and low[1]>=low[2]) )  and not whitesoldierreversal , title= "Fakey Bullish", location=location.belowbar, color=white, style=shape.arrowup, text="Fakey",size=size.tiny)
// Pinbar Fake Breakout
//plotshape(beariskpinbar and (not fakey or (fakey and outsidebar)) and not onewhitesoliderbear and not onewwhitesoliderbull and not blackcrowreversal and not whitesoldierreversal and not fakey, title= "Pinbar Bearisk", location=location.abovebar, color=white, style=shape.arrowdown, text="FalseBreak\nPinbar",size=size.tiny)
//plotshape(bullishpibar  and (not fakey1 or (fakey1 and outsidebar)) and not onewwhitesoliderbull and not onewhitesoliderbear and not whitesoldierreversal and not blackcrowreversal and not fakey1, title= "Pinbar Bullish", location=location.belowbar, color=white, style=shape.arrowup, text="FalseBreak\nPinbar",size=size.tiny)
// Black Crow and White Soldier Continuation
//plotshape((onewhitesoliderbear or onewhitesoliderbear1 or onewhitesoliderbear2) and not insidebar and not fakey and not fakey1  and not outsidebar, title= "One solider Bearisk", location=location.abovebar, color=white, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Black\nCrow",size=size.tiny)
//plotshape((onewwhitesoliderbull or onewwhitesoliderbull1 or onewwhitesoliderbull2)and not insidebar and not fakey and not fakey1  and not outsidebar, title= "One solider Bullish", location=location.belowbar, color=white, style=shape.arrowup, text="White\nSoldier",size=size.tiny)
// Pinbar Continuation
pinbarresistance= (close-open<(high-low)/3 and open-close<(high-low)/3) and high-close>(close-low) and high-open>(open-low) and  ((open[2]<ema21[2] or close[2]<ema21[2]) and high>ema21 and low[2]<low[1] and low[3]<low[2] and high>high[1] and high>high[2] and high>high[3])
pinbarsupport=(close-open<(high-low)/3 and open-close<(high-low)/3) and close-low>(high-close) and open-low>(high-open) and ((open[2]>ema21[2] or close[2]>ema21[2]) and low<ema21 and high[2]>high[1] and high[3]>high[2] and low<low[1] and low<low[2] and low<low[3])
//plotshape(pinbarresistance and (not fakey or (fakey and outsidebar)) and not onewhitesoliderbear and not onewwhitesoliderbull and not blackcrowreversal and not whitesoldierreversal and not fakey and not beariskpinbar, title= "Pinbar Bearisk", location=location.abovebar, color=white, style=shape.arrowdown, text="Pinbar",size=size.tiny)
//plotshape(pinbarsupport  and (not fakey1 or (fakey1 and outsidebar)) and not onewwhitesoliderbull and not onewhitesoliderbear and not whitesoldierreversal and not blackcrowreversal and not fakey1 and not bullishpibar, title= "Pinbar Bullish", location=location.belowbar, color=white, style=shape.arrowup, text="Pinbar",size=size.tiny)
// barcolor

conmua= hisup==1 and MACD>0?1: (hisdown[1]==1 and MACD[1]<0 and pacC[1]>signalMA[1]) or (n1[2]<n1[3] and pacC[1]>signalMA[1])?-1:nz(conmua[1],1)
conmua1= conmua==1 and (hisdown==1 and MACD<0 and pacC>signalMA) or (n1[1]<n1[2] and pacC>signalMA)?1:(close[1]>n1[1] and pacC[1]>signalMA[1] and open[1]<n1[1] and close[1]>pacC[1]) or crossunder(pacC,signalMA) ?-1:nz(conmua1[1],1)
conmua2=conmua1==1 and hisup==1 and MACD>0 and close>n1?1: high[1]<high[3] and high[2]<high[3]?-1:nz(conmua2[1],1)
conmua3=conmua2==1 and high<high[2] and high[1]<high[2]?1: (close[1]>swinghigh[1] and hisup[1]==1 and MACD[1]>0) or ( MACD<0)?-1:nz(conmua3[1],1)
mua=conmua3==1 and hisup==1 and MACD>0 and conmua2==-1 and conmua1==-1
mua2= conmua1==1 and ( close>n1 and pacC>signalMA and open<n1 and close>pacC) and conmua[1]==-1
//if(mua2 and onlysell==false)
//    strategy.entry("Buy",strategy.long)
conban=hisdown==1 and MACD<0?1:(hisup[1]==1 and MACD[1]>0 and pacC[1]<signalMA[1]) or (n1[2]>n1[3] and pacC[1]<signalMA[1])?-1:nz(conban[1],1)
conban1= conban==1 and (hisup==1 and MACD>0 and pacC<signalMA) or (n1[1]>n1[2] and pacC<signalMA)?1:( close[1]<n1[1] and pacC[1]<signalMA[1] and open[1]>n1[1] and close[1]<pacC[1]) or crossover(pacC,signalMA)?-1:nz(conban1[1],1)
conban2=conban1==1 and hisdown==1 and MACD<0 and close<n1?1: low[1]>low[3] and low[2]>low[3]?-1:nz(conban2[1],1)
conban3=conban2==1 and low[1]>low[2] and low>low[2]?1: (close[1]<swinglow[1] and hisdown[1]==1 and MACD[1]<0) or ( MACD>0)?-1:nz(conban3[1],1)
ban=conban3==1 and hisdown==1 and MACD<0 and conban2==-1 
ban2=conban1==1 and ( close<n1 and pacC<signalMA and open>n1 and close<pacC) and conban[1]==-1
//if(ban2 and onlybuy==false)
//    strategy.entry("Sell",strategy.short)  
plotshape(conmua1==1 and conmua[1]==-1, style= shape.triangleup, color = lime, location = location.bottom,size=size.tiny)
plotshape(conban1==1 and conban[1]==-1, style= shape.triangledown, color = red, location = location.bottom,size=size.tiny)
plotshape(mua2, style= shape.labelup, color = lime, location = location.bottom,size=size.tiny)
plotshape(ban2, style= shape.labeldown, color = red, location = location.bottom,size=size.tiny)
// TP and SL/
SL = input(defval=50.00, title="Chốt lời (Pip)", type=float, step=1)
rr= input(defval=20.00,title="Cắt lỗ (Pip)",type=float, step=1)
useTPandSL = input(defval = true, title = "Sử dụng chốt lời và cắt lỗ?")
Stop = rr*10
Q = 100
    strategy.exit("ExitBuy", "Buy", qty_percent=Q, profit= Take, loss=Stop)
    strategy.exit("ExitSell", "Sell", qty_percent=Q, profit= Take, loss=Stop)
