Basic built-in data types of the C++11 standard

Author: The Little Dream, Created: 2017-12-26 18:11:44, Updated: 2017-12-26 18:12:00

Basic built-in data types of the C++11 standard

C++11 C++ The C++11 standard defines basic data types, including arithmetic types (arithmetic type) and empty types (void); arithmetic types include characters, integers, boolean values, and floating point numbers. The empty type does not correspond to specific values and is only used in special cases. For example, the most common use is to use the empty type (void) as the return type when the function does not return any value.

  • Arithmetic types are divided into two types: integral types (including characters and boolean values) and floating point types.

Types Meaning The smallest size
bool Type of Bull undefined, only true and false
char Character types 8bit
wchar_t Wide characters 16bit
char16_t Unicode characters 16bit
char32_t Unicode characters 32bit
short Short whole 16bit
int Whole type 16bit
long Full length 32bit
long long Full length 64bit
float Single-precision floating point type 6 valid digits
double Double-precision floating point 10 valid digits
long double Extended precision floating point type 10 valid digits

Data is stored internally in a sequence of bits, each bit not 0 or 1. Most computers process memory as a block with 2 integers of bits per bit, the smallest addressing memory block is called a byte byte, 1 byte on most machines is 8 bits, the basic unit of storage is called a byte byte (Word), and the word is 32 or 64 bits, which is 4 or 8 bytes. Most computers associate each byte in memory with a number (called an address address).

In addition to the bull and extended character types, other integers can be divided into signed and unsigned. Signed int can represent positive, negative, and 0 unsigned int simply indicates a value greater than or equal to 0. By default, the types int, short, long, and long long are whole types with symbols, and the prefix unsigned in front of each of them gives a type without symbols.

The char type is divided into three types: char, signed char, and unsigned char. It should be noted that char is not the same as signed char, and the specific char representation is only one of two (with and without symbols), which is decided by the compiler.
