So how do we subtract a number from the value that IO returns?

Author: milur, Created: 2018-07-01 16:51:38, Updated:

The code is as follows: def main (: Log ((exchange.GetAccount)) fc is equal toexchange.IO("api", “GET”, “/order/mining/difficulty”) Log(fc)

The output: Map[message:Ok code:0 data:map[difficulty:10000 prediction:2354.81027732]] The map is located at the intersection of Highway 6 and Highway 7 How do you get the middle 10,000?



The Little DreamReturns a JSON object, which can be accessed directly with the key name. This is a list of all the different ways is credited in the database.

milurI'd also like to ask if there's a way that Python can write a policy to call the re-test function_C.

milurUnderstood. Thank you.

The Little DreamLikewise, directly write _C ((func)