Trouble with two sets of retest data

Author: Mr. Ho, Created: 2018-09-06 14:48:10, Updated: 2019-07-31 17:29:34

FMZ's retrieval system seems to have two database servers, and then there is also a problem with the two databases being out of sync, occasionally reading data from one side and then reading data from the other side, with different results from the same code and the same time test. Using the Bitcoin network's BCH_BTC transaction pair as an example, there was a data inconsistency between the two servers between December 5-15, 2017. The engineers at FMZ and Trouble Little Dream will see if this is the case.


Mr. HoWhy does it seem like the real-time data is not as reliable as the analogue level, is it because the data is not enough?

Mr. HoSimulated level

The Little DreamOkay, please, you're using real-disc or analog-level feedback.

The Little DreamThe depth is sufficient, and the transaction is basically possible when eating a single meal. The situation may not be the same as the real one on the slider, because there is a lot of real data, a lot of real data per second, such a data volume is too large for the retesting system.

Mr. HoSuch a retest would not be allowed at the time of ordering at the market price, because the market price is definitely more than the first listing.

The Little DreamThe real disk-level data is recorded every second, and the analog-level feedback is generated within this K-line data frame, based on the K-line data as a framework.

The Little DreamThe depth of the retest is simulated, except for the first gear. The real disk level retest is simulated, and the analog level retest is simulated as well.

Mr. HoThe problem is not solved, the problem is mainly whether the analogue disk has two sets of databases that are out of sync, and when tested at different times, the results are different in the same K-line time interval.

Mr. HoBecause I'm back testing the real disk and the simulated disk, there is a big difference.

Mr. HoThe real disk is the same as the K-line of the analog disk, but the analog disk program generates a fixed number of different lists, whereas the real disk is the list generated by the aggregated transaction records. But the unfinished depth list BotVS is not captured.

The Little DreamIn fact, it should be more accurate at the real-world level.

The Little DreamThe analog level data is generated on the basis of the K-line digital framework, which may vary with each iteration, but is within the K-line high- and low-throughput framework.