There are 3 major categories for purchase or rent strategies on our platform

Author: Goodness, Created: 2019-03-05 09:50:42, Updated: 2019-03-05 09:51:26

There are 3 major categories for purchase or rent strategies on our platform

  1. The strategy for rental

user won’t see the source code, can only use it during the renting period it also divided into “internal rental”, which is, generate a registration code for the user who want to rent your strategy

another type is on sale on our “square page”, which is for users to purchase, users also will get the registration code

  1. The strategy for public

all of users on our platform can get the source code. you can choose either to public it on our “square page” or share it privately for some specific user.

  1. The strategy sharing on our local computer client software

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