Increase the type of futures order

Author: lanchaiye, Created: 2019-03-12 12:18:23, Updated:

Increase the type of futures order
Order type Type value in the order structure

The global constant Orders that have been purchased Orders that have been sold

There are also types of flat-rate orders purchased Placement order types for buy and sell orders, not for buy and sell orders, to be added to buy and sell order types


lanchaiyeThe simulation is not there.

The Little DreamWhat's up? {pos (192,210) } "Leverage" is a 10 "client_oid": "w125678", "size" is "1", "filled_qty":"0", "price": "990000", and "price" is "990000". "Fee" is zero. "contract_val": "10", "price_avg":"0", and "Type" is: 2, "instrument_id": "LTC-USD-181228", "LTC-USD-181228", "LTC-USD-181228", "LTC-USD-181228", "LTC-USD-181228", "LTC-USD-181228", "LTC-USD-181228", "LTC-USD-181228" and "LTC-USD-181228" are also included. "Order_id": "2047622606459904", "Order_id" is the name of the order. "Timestamp": "2018-12-28T06:57:21.000Z", and "Today is the day". "Status" is 0 I'm not sure. What's up? For example, OKEX futures Orders Information Raw Information In the Info attribute, the following data can be queried: type String Order type ((1: open 2: open 3: plain 4: plain)