How do you know the source code of FMZ's GETORDER or GETORDERS function? When rewriting this function using the native API, you always encounter an invalid signature ((shows HTTP error).

Author: mingren1992, Created: 2019-09-03 20:50:03, Updated:

In the EXCHANGE io function in BITMEX, both POST and PUT are used normally, but in the GET, they are written as HTTP in the native APIexchange.IO(Api, GET, "/api/v1/order", symbol=XBTUSD) I've been reporting an error on Futures_OP 4: 401: {error:{message:Signature not valid.,name:HTTPError}} but FMZ's wrapped API GETORDER is valid.


The Little DreamTo see the API documentation of the BITMEX exchange, see how the parameters are requested, whether written in url or body. Some are like this exchange. "api","GET","/api/v1/order?xxxxx",...) written in the url.

mingren1992Tested with HTTPQUERY and shows that encryption authorization is required.

The Little DreamI'm not being polite.

mingren1992Thank you, that's right!