Research environment, python, getting bitmex xbtusd data report error: EOFError

Author: Lindsay, Created: 2019-10-12 11:58:16, Updated:

Research environment to convert BTC_USDT from the OKEX exchange in Python to XBTUSD from bitmex, execute exchange.GetTicker and report EOFError

The full code is as follows:

'' backtested Start: 2019-09-12 00:00:00 This is the latest version of the game. End: 2019-10-11 00:00:00 This is the end of the story. period: 1h The following is a list of exchanges in the United States. 'Wow. # The above comment is a retesting setting

from fmz import * # Import all FMZ functions task = VCtx (((doc# Initialize

GetTicker is the name of the game. The print (ticker) print (( latest transaction price: , ticker [Last])

I look forward to your reply, thank you!


The Little DreamWhen the retest is completed, an EOF anomaly is thrown as the retest ends. This is normal. But your error is because, without setting up a contract, you need to use ```exchange before calling GetTicker.GetTicker.GetContractType.SetContractType.