How does the language of Ma read the four-hour cycle?

Author: itaaaa, Created: 2020-03-23 09:30:07, Updated: 2020-03-23 09:31:22

Is there a more detailed tutorial for retracing the 4-hour cycle?


The grassThe platform supports custom arbitrary cycle K lines, the front end of Mac has a bit of a problem, will be updated.

The grassUpdated to allow for custom cycles on both the retest and the disk page

The grassWell, the problem is small and will be solved soon.

itaaaaThank you, let me know if it's fixed.

The grassSince Mac language pages need to write cycles in the setup of the interface, the page has not yet updated the custom cycle. Other languages can directly pass parameters, Mac language is not so convenient. It should be fixed soon.

itaaaaFor someone with a bit of a foundation, a little bit of mist water on how to use it to customize his any cycle.