How Binance contracts trade

Author: dtss316, Created: 2020-03-26 16:04:26, Updated:

1. How to set up a trading platform for trading contracts such as BTCUSDT, how to write the currency? 2. Additionally: exchange.SetContractType (swap button), cannot be executed in Binance, shows "Futures_OP 3: not support"


The grass /upload/asset/24aa0d18f99575905a0.png

The grassBinance futures require updates from the latest custodian, and the trading pair is set to BTC_USDT. In addition, the futures need to be added separately to the exchange, and your error may be the added spot.

The grassIf you delete the exchange you added, the robot that runs it will become like this.

dtss316I'm trading directly on the page from the added exchange, the account information is displayed normally, the balance is the contract balance. But after re-deploying the custodian, there is still a problem, the problem is as follows: /upload/asset/119d7992a05fdd175bb60.png, when the exchange is added it is like this /upload/asset/11a70afed4ab46428e3e3.png, after re-entering the robot it looks like this /upload/asset/119e21746ff4fa08ff2ed.png, the permissions of the api-key are set like this /upload/asset/11a247096fb84c7eb21d6.png, see where the problem is.

The grassThe need

dtss316The host was created a long time ago, and the host is going to be re-deployed?

The grassI ran it again, and it's all good, but it's probably the administrator who's upgrading.

The grassOP 3 is exchange.GetPosition error, is the host up to date?

dtss316/upload/asset/11995190a58fe4de2439e.jpg /upload/asset/11a4db93fd22c14d45db6.jpg This is a list of all the different ways Upload/asset/11995190a58fe4de2439e.jpg is credited in the database. I set it up, but I didn't.

The grassOr the addition of the Binance spot exchange, which becomes another futures, see my screenshot

dtss316I re-added the futures exchange, but executed:res = exchange.SetContractType (("swap"), error: Futures setting failed ((does not support operations on spot)