Can GetRecords (()) set the number of reversions

Author: zacharytaylor, Created: 2020-05-06 21:44:53, Updated: 2020-05-06 22:04:25

I'm going around every 10 seconds. Too Many Requests

I'm wondering if GetRecords is returning too much data every time, 500 K lines per time, and in fact I just need the latest data plus a few histories, and limiting the number would be nice.


zacharytaylorExchange.GetRecords ((PERIOD_M1))) is a free and open source project. Sleep ((1000 by 20) Every 20 seconds too many requests will also result in policy interruption. GetRecords only has a time cycle parameter and no quantity parameter.

The grassWell, look at the documentation, the K-line is generally very loose, so you don't have this problem, you use your own server.

The grassYou're using your own server.