Robots often report mistakes and disconnect

Author: I'm not sure., Created: 2016-12-19 18:41:05, Updated: 2016-12-20 09:01:41

imgToday, for the first time ever, I'm using a robot to run a hard drive, but I'm constantly getting error messages: GetTicker: 534:, and today the robot disconnected twice, can anyone explain why, and how to avoid these problems?imgThe program ran overnight and reported a lot of errors, can anyone tell me what the reason is?


HHGD168I have developed a stable grid, a table model, more suitable for small white operations.

I'm not sure.The strategy is written by me, the frequency of access to the API is 10 seconds, the robot is running on my computer, now I put the robot on the Ali Cloud, try and see if there will be errors.

The Little DreamPlease tell me if it is a self-compile policy or a copy policy. If it is a copy policy, what is the name of the policy? 534 This is a network issue, whether it is a host program running on your own computer or a host program running on a cloud server. This is a list of all the different ways is credited in the database. What is the frequency of policy API access? In addition, the Bitcoin API is not OK and stable.

The Little DreamMost of it is a network error.