Dear colleagues, what happens if the following error occurs when canceling an order in the for cycle?

Author: coolbreeze, Created: 2021-05-19 15:43:52, Updated:

Dear colleagues, what happens if the following error occurs when canceling an order in the for cycle?

CancelOrder(844599314965188609): map[data:map[errors:[map[err_code:1071 err_msg:Repeated cancellation. Your order has been canceled. order_id:844599314965188609]] successes:] status:ok ts:1.621409775645e+12]

CancelOrder(844599314965188609): map[data:map[errors:[map[err_code:1062 err_msg:Cancelling. Please be patient. order_id:844599314965188609]] successes:] status:ok ts:1.621409775312e+12]


coolbreezeGod of grass! Thank you!

The grassIt has been suggested, is being canceled or repeatedly canceled.