The source code for Python is open source, and is downloaded by Github.

Author: zomo, Created: 2021-10-03 09:13:48, Updated: 2021-10-03 09:14:17

Currently only supporting the UI API interface, BTCUSDT perpetual contract trading, quantitative trading is aimed at stable returns, so do not set high leverage, suggesting a leverage multiple of 5 times or less.

  • The Windows version is an interface version, and after downloading, the exchange can be configured first through the set_api API, and then run the btcusdt program to start trading automatically.
  • The Python source code interface version can run on any desktop version of the operating system, as long as the Python environment is installed and configured correctly, it is recommended to use Python version 3.7.7, which requires the installation of a request library, and the method of use is similar to the Windows version for the interface version;
  • The Python source code command line version can run on any operating system, as long as the Python environment is installed and configured correctly. It is recommended to use Python version 3.7.7, which requires the installation of a requests library, to manually modify it.okex_api.jsonFile Configuration Exchange API, which allows the executor to execute automatically in the background with the following commands under CentOS:
nohup python3 &

Stop the transaction by terminating the process with the following command:

ps -aux | grep
kill -9 获取到的进程号

API warnings:

  • If you're not running on a fixed IP cloud host, don't set the bound IP, otherwise it won't work.
  • For the security of your account, select Read Only and Transaction permissions and do not select Remove permissions.
  • okex_api.jsonThe flag in the middle represents the trading disk option, 0 represents the real disk, and 1 represents the simulated disk.

Frequently asked questions

I started trading and I was stuck.
  • The API is set incorrectly, please check if the API is configured correctly, the API of the real disk and the analog disk are different and need to be set separately;
  • If the domestic network is unable to access the exchange, please use the external cloud host to run the execution, it is recommended to use the Hong Kong cloud host;
  • Please do not open the executable in your home country using wallpaper software, as it is highly likely that using wallpaper software will not work due to compatibility issues.


zomoEvery transaction is published here in real-time and earnings are stable. This is the first time I've seen this. The principle of the strategy is that after calculating the huge data, the opening time point will be calculated very strictly, most of the time to reach the effect of profitable equilibrium can be reached within a few hours after opening the position, the time of holding each day is short, the vast majority of the time is not held, this model can avoid losses caused by the stock being held due to a downturn or a one-sided situation. Currently, profitability is stable.

lgy1159_100Please open a hard disk. Ali Yun is logged in.

syueIs your strategy stable and profitable with our capital?

syueWhy is there no profit curve?

zomoEvery transaction is published here in real-time and earnings are stable. This is the first time I've seen this. The principle of the strategy is that after calculating the huge data, the opening time point will be calculated very strictly, most of the time to reach the effect of profitable equilibrium can be reached within a few hours after opening the position, the time of holding each day is short, the vast majority of the time is not held, this model can avoid losses caused by the stock being held due to a downturn or a one-sided situation. Currently, profitability is stable.

zomoWhen configuring the API, just select the real disk transaction, which is real disk.