Is there an example of a bitget exchange policy?

Author: fx8848, Created: 2022-04-13 12:18:25, Updated:

Is there an example of a bitget exchange's strategy? Is the data returned empty? The following is a list of the largest companies by market capitalization in the United States, ranked by market capitalization. The following are the largest companies by market capitalization in the United States, ranked by market capitalization.

I looked at the API documentation, tried a few parameters, and returned the same result. exchange.SetContractType ((swap_umcbl)) exchange.SetContractType ((swap_sumcbl)) exchange.SetContractType ((swap_dmcbl)) exchange.SetContractType ((swap_sdmcbl))

def main(): initAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount) Log(initAccount)


fx8848There is also a problem with the bitget platform, pos = exchange.GetPosition (()) The transaction records in this account, why is there always only one, it is strange, in the official account, clearly there are three records, only returning the first one, what is the reason? The data returned is as follows: [map[Amount:10 ContractType:swap_umcbl FrozenAmount:0 Info:map[achievedProfits:0 available:10 averageOpenPrice:2.7974 cTime:1649769731083 holdMode:double_hold holdSide:long keepMarginRate:0.015 leverage:50 liquidationPrice:0 locked:0 margin:0.55948 marginCoin:USDT marginMode:crossed openDelegateCount:0 symbol:SANDUSDT_UMCBL total:10 unrealizedPL:0.1218] Margin:0.55948 MarginLevel:50 Price::2.7974 Profit:0.1218:0

fx8848I'm not sure what the problem is. Exchange.SetContractType (("swap_umcbl") " is used to specify the type of the exchange.

The Little DreamOK, the FMZ API documentation has a description.