High frequency trading problems

Author: lzhqlj, Created: 2022-07-11 21:43:31, Updated:

The code in the forums, seeing that now Bitcoin has zero transaction fees, I want to run a test.

2022-07-11 21:40:41 Information The amount of bitcoins that can be sold 0 2022-07-11 21:40:41 Information for sale at the price of 20481.24 2022-07-11 21:40:41 Information The amount of bitcoins that can be purchased -0.09 2022-07-11 21:40:41 Information Purchase price is 20461.24

var amountBuy = _N((account.Balance / buyPrice-0.1),2);

account.Balance=11.47336 buyPrice=20461.24 This is the price of the account. Why is amountBuy = -0.9? Thank you.


lzhqljSheesh, it was actually a parenthesis that was missing in the calculation.

The Little DreamPrint out the calculation values for each step and analyze them to find out why. Also, the message you sent in your log is -0.09 instead of -0.9. account.Balance / buyPrice-0.1 is calculated with only two decimal places left, so -0.09 is not a problem.