Please tell me how the Bitcoin API is getting the single order implementation.

Author: starofduan2022, Created: 2022-09-16 11:02:56, Updated:

The question is, if I want to make a profit after completing a transaction, this information can be seen on the mobile Binance APP, but how to query through the Binance API?


Light clouds/fapi/v1/userTrades, controlled by the startTime timestamp inside

The Little Dream 您好,如果交易所提供这样功能的API接口,可以使用exchange.IO函数访问交易所的接口查询,如果交易所没有这种接口也可以通过在FMZ上设计一个这样的策略来实现相应的功能。

The Little DreamI'm not being polite.

starofduan2022I'm glad to hear that you've been able to help me with this, and thank you for your detailed and patient answers!

The Little DreamIt can be designed to: Monitor the change in the account assets, find the change in the assets, indicate that there is a down order (possibly booked, possibly settled); this time to query the historical order transaction records; to query new records, maintain in your own data structure. Of course, there are many design ideas, there are many ways.

starofduan2022Can you tell us more about how it should be designed, thank you!