Ork quantified-firewallPI_USDT $0.02 buy the program open source included explanation

Author: Orc quantified, Created: 2023-01-04 14:48:23, Updated: 2023-03-06 18:25:35

In this fast-paced era, no one will really take a stranger with you to make money. Come here, you need to learn through your own efforts, to accumulate your own wealth. This strategy does not guarantee money, even the risk of high-ranking, here in particular!

Hello, I'm Ok Quantity Ok classmate, everyone calls me Ok Go. I've been in the circle for 17 years, 18 years since hip hop came to zero and started doing quantification, this year it's my 5th year.

Today, with the help of fire, Pi must kill the mouse shed incident, to open source the code of the disc I stole then.

I'm not saying much nonsense, I'm saying code:

function main() {
        var nowTime = new Date().getTime();//获取当前时间戳
        if(nowTime >= 1672304400000){//判断当前时间是否大于PI开盘时间,是的话执行买入操作(PS:时间戳根据上新开盘时间设定)
            throw "下单完毕";//下单完成就退出,避免循环下单(PS:实际上当时策略运行时,并没有这行代码。整个策略逻辑可以说是非常粗糙了)

If it's a colleague, reading these lines of code can be a scolding, it can also make money... so, I keep saying that buying Pi this time is really good luck.

For instructions on how to run the program on FMZ, see the FMZ website:https://www.fmz.com/bbs-topic/4145After reading this article and using the above code, you can start the strategy of robbing platforms.

Finally, the key is to create value with the right opportunities. Once open source, it is hoped that more people will use it to create more value for the whole coin circle.


daniaorenThe stock market is so punctual.

daniaorenThe stock market is so punctual.

Orc quantifiedA few days ago, some of my students asked me how to change the code to their own program and I made a change to the example of BTC_USDT. /upload/asset/ed2df9d06767406ecd16.jpg This is a list of all the different ways Ed2df9d06767406ecd16.jpg is credited in the database.

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maxgeGlory be to Thee for Thy unselfish devotion.

The grassYes, based on the timeline, it should be faster.

The bone knife ^_^

2MBU ?

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allez-zIs it supposed to be synchronized with the timesheet of the exchange and how to do it?

Orc quantifiedI've got a lot of respect.

The Little DreamI'm going to write a post about this, and I'm going to write about it.