crawl Binance announcements and sell Delist coin

Author: The grass, Date: 2019-02-15 18:33:28
Tags: ToolTrade-aided

Go to the Binance announcement page to see the latest two releases, specifically in the format of Binance releases CLOAK, MOD, SALT, SUB, WINGS releases, and Binance releases BCN, CHAT, ICN, TRIG releases.

The crawler will crawl new crawler announcements with the keyword "Crawler" as the keyword, without excluding the fact that Binance changed the announcement format, which can be used to improve this strategy. Since the crawler task is too simple, it will be written in simple JavaScript. After crawling to the crawler coin, it will check the account information, if there are crawlers, sell them all at a lower price, if there are unfinished orders, cancel first. In the meantime, I'm going to try to get some answers to these questions.

var exchangeInfo = JSON.parse(HttpQuery(''))
var pairInfo = {} 
var downList = []
    for (var i=0; i<exchangeInfo.symbols.length; i++){
        var info = exchangeInfo.symbols[i];
        pairInfo[info.symbol] = {minQty:parseFloat(info.filters[2].minQty),tickerSize:parseFloat(info.filters[0].tickSize), 
            stepSize:parseFloat(info.filters[2].stepSize), minNotional:parseFloat(info.filters[3].minNotional)}
    Log('fail to get exchangeInfo')
function sellAll(coin, free){
    var symbol = coin + 'BTC'
    exchange.IO("currency", coin+'_BTC')
    var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker)
    var sellPrice = _N(ticker.Buy*0.7, parseInt((Math.log10(1.1/pairInfo[symbol].tickerSize))))
    var sellAmount = _N(free, parseInt((Math.log10(1.1/pairInfo[symbol].stepSize))))
    if (sellAmount > pairInfo[symbol].minQty && sellPrice*sellAmount > pairInfo[symbol].minNotional){
        var id = exchange.Sell(sellPrice, sellAmount, symbol)
function cancellOrder(){
    var openOrders = exchange.IO('api', 'GET', '/api/v3/openOrders')
    for (var i=0; i<openOrders.length; i++){
        var order = openOrders[i];
        for (var j=0;j<downList.length;j++){
                var currency = downList[j] + '_' + order.symbol.slice(downList[j].length);
                Log('delist coin exist, cancel all orders first', currency)
                exchange.IO("currency", currency)
function checkAccount(){
    var done = false
        account = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
        done = true
        for (var i=0; i<account.Info.balances.length; i++){
            if(downList.indexOf(account.Info.balances[i].asset)>-1 && parseFloat(account.Info.balances[i].free)>pairInfo[account.Info.balances[i].asset+'BTC'].minQty){
                Log('this coin will be dumped', account.Info.balances[i].asset)
                sellAll(account.Info.balances[i].asset, parseFloat(account.Info.balances[i].free))
                done = false
    Log('sell done')
function main() {
    var title = ''
        var html = HttpQuery('')
        html = html.slice(html.indexOf('Delist '),html.length)
            if(html.slice(7,html.indexOf('</a>')) != title){
                title = html.slice(7,html.indexOf('</a>'))          
                downList = html.slice(7,html.indexOf('</a>')).replace(' and ', ',').split(',')
                Log('new announcement,will delist:', downList)
                Log('new announcement was not found')
            Log('web spider wrong')

