Strategie zur Regression der gleitenden Durchschnittskerze

Schriftsteller:ChaoZhang, Datum: 2023-09-14 17:50:14

Strategie Logik

Diese Strategie kombiniert verschiedene technische Indikatoren und Strategien, hauptsächlich zur Bestimmung der Ein- und Ausstiegspunkte des Index.

Die Schlüssellogik lautet:

  1. Berechnung der gleitenden Durchschnittskerzen einschließlich offener, geschlossener, hoher und niedriger

  2. Berechnung des Momentums der MA-Kerzen und der momentalen linearen Regression

  3. Berechnen Sie die lineare Regression der MA-Kerzen selbst

  4. Verwenden Sie SuperTrend, um die Gesamtrichtung zu bestimmen

  5. Wenn sich die Regression von Negativ zu Positiv oder stark Positiv verwandelt, signalisiert sie den Einstieg

  6. Wenn sich die Dynamik von positiv auf negativ verwandelt oder schwächt, signalisiert sie einen Ausgang.

Die Strategie setzt verschiedene Indikatoren zusammen, um kurz- und langfristige Marktbewegungen und den Rhythmus für die Bestimmung des Indexhandelszeitpunkts zu bewerten.


  • MA-Kerzen spiegeln mittelfristige bis langfristige Trends wider

  • Regressionsanalyse zeigt Trendveränderungen auf

  • SuperTrend unterstützt die Gesamtleitung

  • Mehrfache Indikatoren verbessern die Genauigkeit


  • Komplexe Parameteroptimierung

  • Schwierige Ausgewogenheit mehrerer Indikatoren

  • Seltenere Signale bedeuten eine geringere Handelsfrequenz


Diese Strategie zielt darauf ab, Marktzeitsignale durch Analyse von kurz- und langfristigen Mustern aufzudecken.

start: 2023-09-06 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-13 00:00:00
period: 15m
basePeriod: 5m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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// © HeWhoMustNotBeNamed

strategy("MACandles-LinearRegression-Strategy", shorttitle="MALinReg - Strategy",
                     overlay=false, initial_capital = 100000, 
                     default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, commission_type = strategy.commission.percent, pyramiding = 1, 
                     commission_value = 0.01)
resolution = ""
MAType = input(title="Moving Average Type (MA Candles)", defval="hma", options=["ema", "sma", "hma", "rma", "vwma", "wma"])
LoopbackBars = input(60, title="Length (MA Candles)", step=10)

MMAType = input(title="Moving Average Type (Momentum)", defval="ema", options=["ema", "sma", "hma", "rma", "vwma", "wma"])
MLength = input(20, title="MA Length (Momentum)", step=10)

lb = input(40  , title="Look Back Period Percentile High/Low", step=10, minval=10, maxval=100)
ph = input(.85, title="Highest Percentile - 0.90=90%, 0.95=95%, 0.99=99%")
pl = input(1.01, title="Lowest Percentile - 1.10=90%, 1.05=95%, 1.01=99%")
mult = input(3.0    , minval=1, maxval=5, title="Bollinger Band Standard Devaition Up")

aggressiveLong = input(true)
longTrades = input(true)
useVixFix = input(false)
i_startTime = input(defval = timestamp("01 Jan 2010 00:00 +0000"), title = "Start Time", type = input.time)
i_endTime = input(defval = timestamp("01 Jan 2099 00:00 +0000"), title = "End Time", type = input.time)
inDateRange = true

f_getMovingAverage(source, MAType, length)=>
    ma = sma(source, length)
    if(MAType == "ema")
        ma := ema(source,length)
    if(MAType == "hma")
        ma := hma(source,length)
    if(MAType == "rma")
        ma := rma(source,length)
    if(MAType == "vwma")
        ma := vwma(source,length)
    if(MAType == "wma")
        ma := wma(source,length)

f_getMACandles(resolution, MAType, LoopbackBars)=>
    oOpen = f_getMovingAverage(open, MAType, LoopbackBars)
    oClose = f_getMovingAverage(close, MAType, LoopbackBars)
    oHigh = f_getMovingAverage(high, MAType, LoopbackBars)
    oLow = f_getMovingAverage(low, MAType, LoopbackBars)
    [oOpen, oClose, oHigh, oLow]

f_getVixFixLinReg(oClose, oLow, MLength)=>
    wvf = ((highest(oClose, MLength)-oLow)/(highest(oClose, MLength)))*100
    sDev = mult * stdev(wvf, MLength)
    midLine = sma(wvf, MLength)
    lowerBand = midLine - sDev
    upperBand = midLine + sDev
    rangeHigh = (highest(wvf, lb)) * ph
    rangeLow = (lowest(wvf, lb)) * pl
    col = wvf >= upperBand or wvf >= rangeHigh ? color.lime : color.gray
    val = linreg(wvf, MLength, 0)
    absVal = abs(val)
    linRegColor = val>val[1]? (val > 0 ? : (val > 0 ? color.lime :
    vixFixState = (col == color.lime) ? 1: 0
    vixFixState := strategy.position_size == 0? max(vixFixState, nz(vixFixState[1],0)) : vixFixState
    [val, absVal, wvf, col, linRegColor, vixFixState]
f_getMACandlesLinReg(oClose, MMAType, MLength, mult, lb, ph, pl)=>
    ma = f_getMovingAverage(oClose, MMAType, MLength)
    maDiff = oClose  -  ma
    val = linreg(maDiff, MLength,0)
    absVal = abs(val)
    linRegColor = iff( val > 0,
                 iff( val > nz(val[1]),, color.lime),
                 iff( val < nz(val[1]),,
    sDev = mult * stdev(maDiff, MLength)
    midLine = sma(maDiff, MLength)
    lowerBand = midLine - sDev
    upperBand = midLine + sDev
    rangeHigh = (highest(maDiff, lb)) * ph
    rangeLow = (lowest(maDiff, lb)) * pl
    col = maDiff >= upperBand or maDiff >= rangeHigh ? color.lime : maDiff <= lowerBand or maDiff <= rangeLow ? : color.silver
    absMaDiff = abs(maDiff)
    [val, absVal, maDiff, absMaDiff, col, linRegColor]

f_getSupertrend(resolution, oOpen, oClose, oHigh, oLow, AtrMAType, AtrLength, AtrMult, wicks)=>
    truerange = max(oHigh, oClose[1]) - min(oLow, oClose[1])
    averagetruerange = f_getMovingAverage(truerange, AtrMAType, AtrLength)
    atr = averagetruerange * AtrMult

    longWicks = wicks
    shortWicks = wicks
    longStop = oClose - atr
    longStopPrev = nz(longStop[1], longStop)
    longStop := (longWicks ? oLow[1] : oClose[1]) > longStopPrev ? max(longStop, longStopPrev) : longStop
    shortStop = oClose + atr
    shortStopPrev = nz(shortStop[1], shortStop)
    shortStop := (shortWicks ? oHigh[1] : oClose[1]) < shortStopPrev ? min(shortStop, shortStopPrev) : shortStop
    dir = 1
    dir := nz(dir[1], dir)
    dir := dir == -1 and (longWicks ? oHigh : oClose) > shortStopPrev ? 1 : dir == 1 and (shortWicks[1]? oLow : oClose) < longStopPrev ? -1 : dir
    [dir, longStop, shortStop]

f_getMACandlesAndSupertrend(MAType, LoopbackBars, AtrMult, wicks)=>
    oOpen = f_getMovingAverage(open, MAType, LoopbackBars)
    oClose = f_getMovingAverage(close, MAType, LoopbackBars)
    oHigh = f_getMovingAverage(high, MAType, LoopbackBars)
    oLow = f_getMovingAverage(low, MAType, LoopbackBars)
    [dir, longStop, shortStop] = f_getSupertrend(resolution, oOpen, oClose, oHigh, oLow, MAType, LoopbackBars, AtrMult, wicks)

[oOpen, oClose, oHigh, oLow] = f_getMACandles(resolution, MAType, LoopbackBars)
dir = f_getMACandlesAndSupertrend("sma", 200, 1, false)
colorByPreviousClose = false
candleColor = colorByPreviousClose ?
                 (oClose[1] < oClose ? : oClose[1] > oClose ? : color.silver) : 
                 (oOpen < oClose ? : oOpen > oClose ? : color.silver)

[vval, vabsVal, wvf, vcol, vlinRegColor, vixFixState] = f_getVixFixLinReg(oClose, oLow, MLength)
[val, absVal, maDiff, absMaDiff, col, linRegColor] = f_getMACandlesLinReg(oClose, MMAType, MLength, mult, lb, ph, pl)

plot(useVixFix?na:absMaDiff, title="Momentum", style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth = 4, color=col)
plot(useVixFix?wvf:na, title="VIX Fix", style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth = 4, color=vcol)
plot(useVixFix?na:-absVal, title="Linear Regression (Momentum)", style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth=4, color=linRegColor)
plot(useVixFix?-vabsVal:na, title="Linear Regression (VIX Fix)", style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth=4, color=vlinRegColor)

exitColor = longTrades? : color.silver
exitPreviousColor = longTrades? color.silver : color.lime
longCondition = (useVixFix? (vixFixState == 1 and vlinRegColor == color.lime) :
                     ((linRegColor == and linRegColor[1] == or (linRegColor == and linRegColor[1] != and aggressiveLong)))  and inDateRange and dir>0
exitLongCondition = (col == exitColor and col[1] == exitColor and col[2] == exitPreviousColor and (linRegColor != or not aggressiveLong))

strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, when=longCondition, oca_name="oca_buy")
strategy.close("Long", when=exitLongCondition)
