Bithumb exchange reported error, please inform senior officials

Author: The bride too., Created: 2017-08-21 15:00:28, Updated:

The code is as follows: function main (() { var a = exchange.GetOrders (); Log (a); Log (a.length); I'm not sure.

The error is as follows:

2017-08-21 14:51:39 Error TypeError: cannot read property length of null mainFILEThe third. This article is part of our upcoming edition. 2017-08-21 14:51:39 Bithumb error GetOrders: There is no internal order in progress.

Korean error message, will not die, a is null, indicating that data for a cannot be obtained, and also, once a.length is run it dies, is there no support for exchange.GetOrders on this exchange?


liuwei9090Bithumb has a coin exchange function, such as converting BTC directly into LTC, please ask how this function is implemented in code.

The Little DreamError TypeError: cannot read property length of null main FILE:3 This error is a syntax error var a = exchange.GetOrders ((); Access failed // Error: Bithumb error GetOrders: Internal domain in progress does not exist. So a is equal to zero. Accessing a null length property triggers an error message, causing the program to stop. This error is at the JS language level.

The bride too.Thank you very much.