Judging the Effectiveness of Deep Data

Author: Zero, Created: 2015-11-25 17:36:38, Updated: 2015-11-25 17:53:24

This is how GetDepth should work.

while (!(depth = exchange.GetDepth()) || depth.Asks.length == 0 || depth.Bids.length == 0) {

函数不光要判断是否成功, 有时Asks/Bids交易所会返回空数组,就是没有深度, 这里也要处理

BTC交易所的API接口技术上做的高低不一,  各种千奇百怪的错误都有可能发生,  所以网络错误一定要处理好 !


The grassIt turns out that Okcoin may have a problem with this.

momoxThe question is, how is deep data used in general?

Selling outGood things.