Bitfinex is running erroneously, help analyze, thank you!

Author: wangwlb, Created: 2017-11-01 13:03:59, Updated:

Bitfinex is running an error, help analyze, thank you! The following alerts are displayed after the normal sale: Error: bad argument #1 to LogProfit string (float64 expected, got string) mainFILEWhat does it mean? Bitfinex has sold 6373.1 0.00916 {High:6481.5,Low:6082.5,Sell:6373.3,Buy:6373.2,Last:6373.2,Volume:44466.88351939,Time:1509510612772}

The text of line 129 reads as follows: LogProfit ((MACD cause, nowAccount.Balance.toFixed(1) - initAccount.Balance.toFixed(1), Money earned: nowAccount.Balance.toFixed(1), Coin earned: nowAccount.Stocks.toFixed(3), Details of the hedge fund: nowAccount.Stocks.toFixed(3);

Thank you.


wangwlbThis tactic has been in place for 2-3 months, no problems, why so many problems moving to the outside?

wangwlbThe order was sold with the following error message: 2017-11-01 12:30:08 Bitfinex error GetOrders: Post read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host Please help me to see it.

wangwlbGood, thank you.

The Little DreamIf you are in the BotVS group, you can always contact me if you have any questions.

wangwlbThank you very much!

The Little DreamError: bad argument #1 to 'LogProfit' (float64 expected, got string) main FILE:129 This error is caused by an input parameter error, the first parameter of the LogProfit function is a numeric type, but accepts a string type. 2, Bitfinex error GetOrders: Post read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. This error was caused by network factors or a disconnection of the exchange server. The same policy applies to other exchanges, which may need to be adjusted because each exchange may have different places for API access restrictions, etc.