CoinEx reported an error

Author: Shepherding, Created: 2018-08-07 00:09:20, Updated:

Hello! My VPS is VULTR, I have no problem with the normal non-binding IP API, but I can't use it as long as I encounter an API that needs to bind the IP, before the tokens were like this, now using COINEX is also a bug, it seems to be an IP address problem, please.imgIf you have ever encountered a similar problem, is there a workable solution?


ShepherdingSolved. I'm using IPv6 when binding. I'm using IPv4 when binding. Coinex seems to have priority access to IPv6 but doesn't recognize IPv4.

The Little DreamWith IP V4, check if the IP used by VPS is V6

ChaoZhangThe IP you're actually binding to is IPv6.