Help: Recently limited the length of a single log? How do I get that long debug data?

Author: Old cat likes fish, Created: 2018-11-21 01:45:09, Updated:

Recently it was discovered that the length of a single log is limited to 2k? I have a question about how to save the long debug data and get it for analysis.


The Little DreamIs it retesting, or is it a real-world robot? The virtual disk can be written to the database using _G, or python. The re-test can be segmented, printed out, and the re-test log can be downloaded.

Old cat likes fishThank you, I'm going to study.

The Little DreamInventors can use the API extension to access logs. This can be done with just one small program. See API documentation, API extension, access to log functions.

Old cat likes fishThank you for your reply. I'm using _G, but I'm keeping the remote hosted server, how do I get it back to the home computer for a detailed analysis?