Why is it that reading tokens today is always wrong?

Author: fjfzzl, Created: 2020-07-07 13:29:09, Updated: 2020-07-07 13:38:48

I've been reading the data for the past few days and it's been giving me an error today, even though I've changed it to the simplest:

def main (: records = exchange.GetRecords ((PERIOD_H1)) is the name of the Log (the first k-string data is, Time:, records[0][Time], Open:, records[0][Open], High:, records[0][High]) Log (the second root of the k-string data is, Time:, records[1] [Time], Close:, records[1] [Close]) Log (current K line (latest) log, records[-1], log on one of the K lines log, records[-2])

Or mistakes. GetRecords: type assertion to []interface{} failed

I'm using a customized trading pair of tokens, BTC_USD.


The grassI tried it, no problem.