Exchange.IO doesn't know what the problem is?

Author: UsKoer, Created: 2021-04-21 15:11:24, Updated:

Which older brother or sister can help me see how to check the capital rate of the token, call the parameters, and it's always showing errors. I don't know what the problem is.

How to write 1: function main() { var res = exchange.IO( “api”, “GET”, “/linear-swap-api/v1/swap_funding_rate”,“contract_code=BTC-USDT”
); // the rate of funding for contract acquisition

return res;


Error message: This is not the case. Futures_OP 4: 400: {“timestamp”:“2021-04-21T07:07:54.715+0000”,“status”:400,“error”:“Bad Request”,“message”:“Required String parameter ‘contract_code’ is not present”,“path”:"/linear-swap-api/v1/swap_funding_rate"}

How to write 2: function main() { var res = exchange.IO(Spanish) I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to say that. The exchange rate is the rate at which the foreign exchange market moves between the two currencies. ); // the fee for obtaining the contract

return res;


Error message: This is not the case. Futures_OP 4: map[err_code:1014 err_msg:This contract doesnt exist. status:error ts:1.618988994379e+12]


The grassOpen Interface with HttpQuery encrypted with IO, see the tutorials posted by the community first

UsKoerThank you, thank you, I really didn't read the tutorial too carefully! solved a big problem.