Sharing a trend strategy

Author: Skin that is old, Created: 2022-06-10 23:02:27, Updated:

The strategy is divided into three parts:

The code of the strategy database is linked to Binance, and interested users can replace it on their own with other exchanges.

Since it is customized by the customer, the feasibility of the policy is uncertain, the user can be used as a learning reference, as to why the public policy of the customer, mainly after the customer gets the code, does not give the final receipt, so there is no customer confidentiality agreement.

The project was later abandoned by the client and the project code was released to the general public.


mingxi1005It's not working.

The Little DreamThe template library can be delivered last, and the template that the policy refers to can be modified at any time.

Skin that is oldIt takes two currencies to work properly.

The Little DreamYes, you can deliver a policy first, but not a template. This policy is also just a reference template.

Skin that is oldYou can modify what you rent, but you can't change what you share, as if you have a template snapshot by default.